Долгое время мое мнение в значительной степени определялось инцидентами с Трэвисом Уолтоном, Бетти и Барни Хиллом, аварией в Розуэлле и, как бы мне не хотелось это говорить, тем, что в детстве я посмотрел все «Секретные материалы». Я думал, что они физически забирают людей, наше правительство все знало об этом и как-то извлекало из этого выгоду. Я потерял веру в это с современным пониманием гипноза и созданием ложных воспоминаний. Но в последнее время меня покорили некоторые идеи Жака Вали, Джона Киля и Карла Юнга, глядя на инцидент в школе Ариэль в Руве, Зимбабве, о том, что инопланетяне являются проекцией высшего разума, с которым мы психически взаимодействуем. Я уверен, что многие из вас не согласны с моим мнением, но на самом деле я спрашиваю о том, что вы думаете? Какие инциденты важны для вашего мнения, ребята? Что эти инциденты заставляют вас поверить в инопланетян?
I have always thought it was a bit immature to assume that we are the only intelligent species of the universe. I saw my first ufo at 8 years old and I have been a believer since then.
When I was young in 1993 everyone in my neighborhood saw a ufo. It moved like nothing on earth is capable of. Ever since then I’ve been a believer.
Lazar. What has he gained, what has he lost, what does he hope to gain if anything?
I’ve had an interest since I was a kid. I grew up with the Roswell and ancient alien history channel documentaries. I always believed, but I knew most people in the community were crazies (no offense to anyone here) so I kept it at arms length. I want to say the first time I listened to Bob Lazars testimony a few years ago, it re piqued an interest in me. He seemed so credible and everything he mentioned lined up. Level headed scientific based leaks have really suckered me in lately. Such as the 4chan «leaker» and that reddit poster claiming to be a biologist that works on alien cadavers. I still take these with a grain of salt, but they’re really getting my interest piqued again.
Honestly there is just so much overwhelming evidence. But for me it’s the Michigan incident from I think 1993 or 1996? I forget but Unsolved Mysteries did an episode on it recently. Check it out on Netflix. Hard not to believe with some 300 witnesses and there testimonies are very very hard to discredit
[the gimbal footage](https://youtu.be/QKHg-vnTFsM), [the raw footage Bob lazar took of the sport model doing a high performance test](https://youtu.be/XobWRc-pvJs), [This crop circle documentary by The Why Files](https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc)
Dad was an ATC and told me all these stories when I was a kid including the Roswell story as well as incidents he or his friends had up in the tower.
Lazar, The Hills, Travis Walton, Rendlesham, The Ariel and Westall school incidents, Lonnie Zamora, The JAL pilots in the 747 near Alaska, Phoenix lights, The Nuclear missle silo base incident in I think North Dakota in 70’s, multiple astronauts including Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, and countless military pilots and personnel including Fravor and Graves and the corroborating radar data. These to me are the most noteworthy (credible) ones off the top
of my head and it doesn’t even include Roswell and earlier sightings.
After awhile the denial starts to border on the ridiculous. Just because I haven’t seen one doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I don’t know how the fuck Calculus works and could not describe it but I know a whole lot of smart people who do.
My own, all my own.
It helped figure out reality.
The disclosure happening at a time when it is conveniently advantageous for TPTB to create a false outside threat and drive us towards a centralized, global one world government. I always wanted disclosure SIMPLY FOR THE SAKE OF THE FACTS BEING REVEALED. NOT as part of a funnel to lead us into a planned next stage, as if this is all theater and we are only owed the facts when it benefits “them”.
The 2 videos of the plane in the air and the 3 swirling orbs and the plane vanishing. Whether real or not I can’t stop thinking about it
As someone who has gotten to know them in a personal level. If you are a good human being. You have nothing to worry about. It is the government we need to worry about. They have spent millions of your tax dollars to surviel me like Nazis.
Magic Mushrooms.
For me it was the way Obama answered the alien question on Colbert and Kimmel. I find him the most trustable president since Carter and the undertone of his responses to the questions really made me believe. Really looking forward to his Netflix abduction project
The Ariel school is probably the strongest influence on my perspective. Those kids don’t seem like they’re lying, and they still believe it to this day… I believe them. If it was a government psyop and not NHI, that’s equally important to get disclosure on. In my opinion.
100% random people posting the dumbest shit here is what convinced me
Growing up in the 80s. Interest in aliens was pretty big and I loved stuff like In Search Of, Unsolved Mysteries, and Communion. Plus my dad saw something strange out at his friend’s cattle ranch that kind of brought it home. He saw a UFO come down and sit on top of the power lines late one night.
Ruwa zimbabwe is my favorite ufo/alien case.
When I read Communion I realized the possibility. Everything else seems fake to me. The fear he wrote about I was eerily familiar with. Strange
The fact our technological capabilities EXPLODED in leaps and bounds after the Roswell crash
When I was about nine years old I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw this four foot tall ashy green creature with an oval head and big black eyes staring at me. I’ve been a believer ever since. The biggest irrefutable evidence for me is the Phoenix lights and more recently the gimbal footage. Nothing on this earth can move like that.
I’ve always known aliens exist, somewhere, but never believed that they’ve been here. My logic was that something so advanced would either be here to destroy, or observe/extract completely undetected.
My mind is slowly changing though with the recent official footage, which to me seems less likely to have been created/doctored than the typical ‘sighting’ videos (which could just be created to gain views/likes).
The recent hearing was also pretty enlightening but the key point in that while disposition was that military officials who personally/publically confirmed sightings/activity are still in active service — i.e. not crack pots who’ve been turfed and are looking for attention.
The 1952 Washington DC UFO Incident. The incident that propelled Project Bluebook. An incident which created major concern among the Air Force and CIA and prompted the largest Pentagon meeting since WW2.
I believe Rosswell Crash was the beginning, when our government first made contact with aliens, but the DC incident of 1952 really made the CIA sweat. And I believe it also gave them the idea to start developing their own spacecraft and use alien technology to incite panic and UFO hysteria among a nation if they have to.
Nowadays, I believe the aliens are smarter than we think and hiding among us or refusing to reveal themselves. As we see more and more disclosure, I can’t help but think that it is the CIA preparing to unveil their finished projects from Bluebook.
The part where they came into my home and knocked things over on the way to my bed well over 100 times. Also the UFOs my son and I have seen.
Not really a choice for me. It’s knowing, not believing.
that dude looks how I feel these days after a night out
The Travis Walton abduction story was a hoax and disproved heavily, but it’s one of the main 1st «reported» incidents of aliens sadly, but I’m glad nobody believes him anymore. I wonder if he will ever admit it.
The biggest incident for me, that others might find boring and irrelevant, is that we’ve found exo-planets that look exactly like Earth and they 2x the size. Where there’s water there’s life!
Saw 3 fairly large circular / disc shaped objects in the sky when I was around 13-14 years old. Moved slow. Were so big I felt they must have been very close to the ground.
Def not normal. Can def sketch them out at the EXACT location I saw them. My memory of them is so strong.
Was so transformative for me. I have a hard time believing a lot of things, but that shit was real.
Bob Lazar
I think it really comes down to Bob Lazar. If the core of his story is real, then it’s the most amazing story in human history. If he made the whole thing up, we don’t have any UFOs.
This video was proven to be fake.
When I was abducted and went on a joyride to Serpo. Met a lot of friendly folks. But look out for those insectoids! A bit grumpy. My experience was fairly convincing.. but I remain skeptical.
— Rendlesham forest
— Bob Lazar
— Phoenix Lights
— Clifford Stone
— Ariel school event
The invasion of Iraq.
Once it became clear to me that the word alien doesn’t have to mean from another planet. Alien could simply mean not from here, not from this world, not from this galaxy or even this universe. It just opened up even more potential of possibilities.
My own interactions with the ETs.
Most recently, my meeting with a blue glowing Reptilian.
I knew the Grey’s exist from years of interactions, I know the US has advanced spaceships as I’ve seen them with my own eyes, and now I know the Reptilians exist as well.
Also, the arecibo message reply crop circles are undeniable.
I’m sure when a video like this surfaces, it will be immediately obvious. However, also offensive.
None everything is biased.
I just assume with time being forever its bound to be at some point. It just makes sense.
All of the. Ideas of either UAP’s or Aliens. Now, sure some may be altered and hoaxed but with how many videos are out there and with the majority of the people recording these, they just want you to see what they saw. They are not looking for fame or “likes”, most say just make your own opinion but this is what happened. I would go as far to say that the vast majority are real.
December 1985ish, when I (and a few others) witnessed something I can not explain with any conventional situations since. it changed my life in many ways.