Ответ Гарри Нолана Мику Уэсту в Твиттере


На #ufotwitter произошел обмен мнениями, который, я думаю, заслуживает повторения здесь. Я скопирую и вставлю, а затем дам ссылку на твит(ы) внизу: Мик Уэст: Я был прав [regarding the witnesses at the hearing being pilots]. Итак, Фравор и Грейвс уже бесчисленное количество раз рассказывали свою историю. Груш не очевидец. Люди наговорили ему всякой всячины. Если он не назовет имена (и прихлебателей), то что мы получим от этого слушания? Гарри Нолан: Это их природа придираться к мелочам. Общая картина и процесс всегда ускользают от них… вот почему они такие, какие они есть. Они делали это снова и снова. Тем не менее, несмотря на их непостижимое отсутствие любопытства… остальные из нас продвигаются к пониманию ответов на поразительный набор вопросов. Конгресс и Сенат делают это НАУЧНО. Они начинают с базовых фактов, первых людей/пилотов, которые выступили вперед и запустили это дело. Как мы все знаем, общественность, а также многие политики и средства массовой информации не в курсе событий. По крайней мере, они ищут подтверждения. Это процесс проверки. Грейвс и Фравор — это «данные». Дэвид Груш предоставил данные публично и за закрытыми дверями. Этим утром конгрессмены (Луна и Берчетт) в режиме реального времени представили доказательства препятствования Министерству обороны США. Грейвс, Фравор и Лу Элизондо выступили вперед, потому что чувствовали, что к этому вопросу не относятся серьезно. Мы начинаем процесс (снова) на следующей неделе. Просвещая общественность и помогая нашим политикам понять ситуацию, потому что ОНИ ДЕЙСТВУЮТ ОТ НАШЕГО ИМЕНИ. Критики такие, какие они есть <пожимает плечами>. Они хотят, чтобы им все это преподнесли на блюдечке с голубой каемочкой. Смешивать метафоры… Пусть едят торт. Вперед… Источник: https://twitter.com/garrypnolan/status/1682142328935575552?s=46

30 комментариев для “Ответ Гарри Нолана Мику Уэсту в Твиттере

  1. Mick West conveniently ignores the part about the obstruction of the other witnesses. Someone should pose that to him directly on twitter, so he can’t ignore it in the paragraphs of Nolan’s response.

  2. Mick West is not a skeptic. He is a professional debunker. His role as a media personality (not an expert or scientist) is to appear on media and explain UAP away as anything other than NHI or ET. His opinions are not based on science. They are based on a business model that has been very successful for him. As such, he knows that the moment he comes to any other conclusion than the prosaic — he’s out of work. He knows that if he were to ever concede that a UAP is potentially NHI or ET he will never again be invited to do a spot on cable news or to participate in a YouTube debate. Subsequently, Mick West has made himself irrelevant to any and all scientific inquiry into this subject and should be ignored and dismissed just we would a person who blindly accepts that every mysterious light in the sky is a UFO. Mick West brings nothing of value to the conversation and deserves nothing but our contempt. The same goes for Steven Greenstreet who got became terrified of being written off as a woo-journalist and made the conscious decision to redeem himself by becoming a professional debunker no different (though, admittedly far more annoying) than Mick West. Sadly, Greenstreet’s journalistic integrity is now dead and buried in his basement office. RIP.

  3. Am I correct in saying that there are higher resolution photos and video of the events that the pilots will be discussing? The three released to the public were IR only. At the time, I thought I had heard that there were several cameras shooting. Lue at one point mentioned photo or video that captured occupants. What I’m trying to get to is maybe additional evidence will be presented by the pilots.

  4. Mick West is such an expert he can even tell the future!

    Even if we’ve heard the stories before, this is the first time the witnesses will be telling *congress*. The audience is new.

    And yeah, what Nolan said: one step at a time.

  5. If the shoe was on the other foot, I bet West would be screaming Grusches name from the Hills if Grusch was saying there’s absolutely no UAPs. He was a high ranking intelligence official, someone very credible and well respected. Debunkers love using authority figures as credible sources

    It’s just odd how militant and evangelical these debunkers can be.

  6. It’s super telling how Nolan suggests that you need to ignore «small things» in favor of «the big picture.»

    What he’s suggesting is the opposite of scientific. If there are provable inconsistencies or holes in the data, then they cast doubt on the model, no matter how small they are. A scientific model is built from data, not the other way around.

  7. Pilot eye witness accounts from 15 years ago are the best “data” there are — even really just one pilot — the other saw blips on a radar with nothing visual and some “friend of a friend” data. Everything grusch says was “a friend of a friend” value of “data”.

  8. Well, Mick ain’t wrong. Look at this news week interview. I don’t get why y’all get so fired up about mick west. Listen to what he says here — nothing of that should get you emotions go all stormy. The fact that it does, tell me you fight teeth and nails to keep your believes, instead of staying grounded, so to speak.
    My bet is a year from now, we haven’t moved an inch on this story — everything will still be just around the corner, as it always has been.
    I really do hope my post here will age like milk, but I sincerely don’t believe so.


  9. >Garry Nolan’s response to Mick West on Twitter

    Obviously, this is the essential difference between me and Gary Nolan because I would have just told him to fuck off and drawn him a diagram of how, what with and in which general direction to off in

  10. I think if anyone thinks having some people tell their UFO stories again is going to achieve anything they are completely deluded.

    Most of the public won’t even watch or care about this hearing.

    On top of that these stories have been told before just a few years ago anyway on 60 minutes and in most news outlets. Nobody but UFO enthusiasts are going to care about or be convinced by more UFO stories not matter who they come from or where they are told.

  11. The Mick Wests of the world are necessary to remind us of why the truth is so important. And yet, what a sad existence it must be to find no meaning in the search for answers.

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