Это была история еще в 2019 году, и, возможно, Палате представителей следует изучить эти претензии и патенты. Вот ссылка на патент: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170313446A1/en
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Адвокат Луиса Элизонды идет на News Nation и ссылается на MJ12
Я читал American Cosmic, и автор говорит об Эллисон Круз. Эта женщина очень часто видела НЛО и записывала их. Вот некоторые кадры.
Зеленые огненные шары — НЛО или что-то более приземленное?
Перед смертью летная медсестра ВВС США Матильда О’Доннелл МакЭлрой поделилась секретными интервью с пришельцем в Розуэлле в 1947 году.
Многогранный кристаллический НЛО в Солт-Лейк-Сити 30 августа 2021 года; равномерные, методичные движения без света и звука
Двухпартийная мера направлена на принудительное обнародование записей об НЛО
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Местонахождение НЛО на озере Биг-Бэар, Калифорния.
Лю Элизондо явно мошенник, потому что у него есть готовящаяся к выпуску книга (прибыль от которой пойдет на благотворительность), но Мик Уэст — нет, даже несмотря на то, что он пишет 2000 твитов в месяц и открыто пропагандирует свою аферу.
Найдено старое интервью Боба Лазара
Это изображение редактировалось? Ссылка в комментариях
My gods, look at this one!
The nutty thing about this is that the patents were declined until high ranking Navy leadership and attorneys signed a letter saying this tech was already “operable”. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29232/navys-advanced-aerospace-tech-boss-claims-key-ufo-patent-is-operable
Subsequent to that they spent $300k on a study trying to prove the “Pais effect” exists, and came up with nothing.
So if they’re still studying it and failing to get it to work, how can they say it’s already operable?
It sounds like they could be trying to reverse engineer *something*, either that a foreign government has, or they’ve been led to believe a foreign government has, or …?
I also think it’s important to note that the Pais Effect is still unproven. Go watch him on the TOE podcast. He talks about it. These are placeholder parents and not representative «officially» of demonstrated science.
These stories never explain however how such sightings have been taking place for at least 70yrs, much older if you believe historical texts.
Unless of course the patents are the result of reverse engineering.
Everyone keep track of this. This is more “evidence,” of an advanced tech program.
This is a wild read …. Thank you very much for bringing this to attention.
Edit: Moreover, it is feasible to remove energy-mass from the system by enabling vacuum polarization, as discussed by Harold Puthoff; in that diminution of inertial (and thus gravitational) mass can be achieved via manipulation of quantum field fluctuations in the vacuum. In other words, it is possible to reduce a craft’s inertia, that is, its resistance to motion/acceleration by polarizing the vacuum in the close proximity of the moving craft. As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved
Great information here — https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o
Holy shit, j just read the entire thing.
It’s basically a flying microwave
Ok so I’m assuming if they could withstand the immense pressures of the depths of our ocean then is safe to say they could withstand space travel.
It all starts with Maxwell’s equations, see this clip here https://youtu.be/oZGHFLs1LQg
Ben Rich has also alluded that there’s an error in Maxwell’s equations and they fixed it.
“There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars, and it won’t take a lifetime to do it”
(source: UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93)
Here’s a paper that investigates it:
«*It is often claimed that Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations were originally written in terms of quaternions. Once returned to that form and treated with left and right hand operators as in the mathematics of P. M. Jack, a new seventh scalar electromagnetic field component emerges with possible relations to clean energy extraction and gravitation. It is the purpose here to examine this approach afresh and see how it might link up with other fairly recent, but little known, work in the field. Again, as with the usual form of Maxwell’s equations, a new scalar wave equation is derived but, on this occasion, due to the presence of the scalar component of the quaternion, that equation exhibits a wave speed greater than the speed of light. Historical and present uses within military and humanitarian contexts are considered briefly*»
All I wanted was my hoverboard.