Ссылка: https://www.tinyklaus.com/p/an-unprecedented-act @tinyklaus предлагает свой собственный анализ 64-страничной поправки Сената к NDAA, предложенной лидером большинства в Сенате Чаком Шумером в конце прошлой недели. Есть полезный дополнительный контекст текущих событий и исследований, которые Клаус также проводил в последние недели и месяцы. Его главный вывод заключается в том, что «законопроект, по-видимому, демонстрирует признание Конгрессом того, что UAP представляет собой технологию, созданную нечеловеческим разумом, который взаимодействует с нашей планетой».
SS: @tinyklaus offers his own analysis of the 64-page Senate amendment to the NDAA as proposed by Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer late last week. There is useful added context of current events and research that Klaus has done in recent weeks and months as well.
His main takeaway is that “the bill appears to demonstrate Congressional acknowledgment that UAP represent a technology originating from a non-human intelligence that has been interacting with our planet.”
>His main takeaway is that “the bill appears to demonstrate Congressional acknowledgment that UAP represent a technology originating from a non-human intelligence that has been interacting with our planet.”
I think that hoaxers really have to be careful now. They would have to legally prove there is no rational reason to believe in video footage of a UAP when in fact the US government has released video showing UAP are extant and there are multiple government now focusing on UAP and treating them as if they exist in order to escape fraud charges if they say use fake footage to illicit responses and then use those responses for profit. As can be seen here:
What a corrupt country the US truly is.
This is very pertinent information! So amazing. It also furthers potential legal ramification against hoaxers WHO USE UAP which can be evidenced here at r/ufosmeta
If you want *accurate* contextualization of the 2023 NDAA amendment Bill — what this will translate to in terms of archival content, public access and presentation — look no further than [here](https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk)…
The aforementioned basically uses [S.J.Res.282 — Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992](https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-joint-resolution/282/text) — otherwise known as [the JFK Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-joint-resolution/282) — as its template.
[This](https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk) is basically what you’re going to get….
My question being, going through this archive: are *you* any clearer who greased JFK and why much above the official Warren Committee version and, if *not* — what does this say about what’s going to happen with *this* subject’s public equivalent come, no later than, September 30, 2030…?
I feel like the takeaway is an overinterpretation of the context and takes a step beyond what is presented. But that is not much of a surprise.
Oh, so that’s why Lockheed Martin is too big to fall: they retro-engineered positive lift.