Как, по вашему мнению, раскрытие информации может произвести фурор в финансовом секторе и на фондовом рынке?


Как, по вашему мнению, раскрытие информации может произвести фурор в финансовом секторе и на фондовом рынке?

How do you think disclosure could make waves in the financial sector and stock market?
byu/BuffaloBillCraplism inUFOs

19 комментариев для “Как, по вашему мнению, раскрытие информации может произвести фурор в финансовом секторе и на фондовом рынке?

  1. I like Ross, but his question here has a big ole problem.
    If SEC rules required complete disclosure to investors, Lockheed would have to disclose other secret projects. It is very well known that Lockheed has and continues to develop secret projects. They have special exemption from disclosing a variety of things under their ongoing shareholder disclosure requirements. This is known, and quite obvious.

  2. Startups! After 9/11 I remember those guys trying to sell personal office parachutes so you could safely jump out of your skyscraper window. (Seriously. It happened.). I can’t wait to see all of the personal self-defense items that startups will be pushing once disclosure hits.

    I can see it now. «Did you know the aliens are repelled by certain tones that only they can hear? Set up a perimeter around your home, you’ll never hear it yourself and it’s safe for pets of all types. Three easy payments of $159.*»

    *Not tested on fish, lizards or animals with fur. Void where prohibited. Devices not approved by the FCC. Allow 6-8 months for shipping. Expedited shipping available for $499.

  3. Be careful this topic is rife with people who make money by telling other people what stocks to buy

    This is the second stock market post in a few hours

    Anyhow LMT could go to 80000 in a few seconds or go under the ocean based on a lawsuit.

    The only thing for sure is that if it goes in the water the govt will create LMT 2 due to too big to fail and let the investors of LMT 1 go broke.

  4. Submission statement:

    When Disclosure happens no magic switch will be flipped transforming society overnight. But what will be the effects on markets and business as things develop? Will LMT shares rise or fall? Will Exxon start research into zero point energy? Will SpaceX tank after their huge investment into chemical rockets? It’s seems like a Brave New World in the investment of capital, to me at least.

  5. The evidence uncovered from my research leads me to understand that the whole UFO phenomenon is kept secret primarily not because of the «ET» aspect of it, — although that does scare some people out of their mind, but mainly because of the ramifications which would inevitably cause the current economic and geopolitical structure to collapse; A collapse which is inevitable due to the consequences of the technology related to sustenance, energy and travel. As it turns out, this scares some other people completely out of THEIR mind. These are the people who currently control the world systems of culture, economy, and energy. These are the people we get our information from, and who make public and economic policy decisions “in our best interest”. These are the people who decide who has “the need to know”.
    What would happen to the current «control structures» which exist now if that type of technology were actually revealed and used to its full potential? What happens to an economy which is based on the consumption of fuels when the cost of such energy becomes zero? Imagine removing energy cost from every product. What happens when recycling becomes a zero cost endeavor and all consumption is only a onetime depletion? The whole “planned obsolescence” which keeps you buying consumables goes right out the window. What happens when travel becomes limitless with zero “cost”? Where do our boundaries go?
    What happens to culture? This leads one to imagine a society where anyone can have anything, anytime, and go anywhere: a world where «waste» doesn’t exist because energy concerns are irrelevant in the recycling process. A completely different existence where there is no need for any type of economy — because it’s imaginary anyway. A society where all necessities are a right, free to all and you’re only life goal is to explore, learn and contribute to the existence of the whole.
    Zero strife, zero stress, and zero conflict: A world completely different in every aspect in comparison to what exists today. The challenges would only be sociological acceptance and change, and not the perceived difficulties of limits on resources and illusionary struggle for necessities.
    What would happen to the people who kept this secret when it is disclosed this has existed for who knows how long and the population realizes what has been done to them and the planet for so long, only for their “rulers’” own selfish control based gains? What happens when the population of the planet realizes about the untold numbers of unnecessary deaths which occurred because of this situation? What will that transition period be like? This is to be seen, but that transition is unavoidable; this cannot be kept secret forever.
    These are the real reasons behind UFO secrecy. I believe that amnesty is the only way forward, but some people may not be so forgiving. These are the fears which perpetuate the UFO secrecy.




  6. I feel like this is problematic. Do you see how they focus on “finance.” We must keep the beast alive. It reminds me of gnostic texts, how man was fooled with precious metals and then “money.” Perhaps, one of the greatest deceptions historically. We cannot function with out fake pieces of paper or a “monetary” system.

    Man was meant to be free. This won’t set us free. That is the message of disclosure.

  7. Some EVs burn uncontrollably after a accident. If zero point energy or whatever is revealed it’s not going to be put on the market and in the hands of everyday people right away, it may take decades if ever. If a ZPE vehicle crashes it may cause a explosion that takes out a city block. Obviously we don’t know. It may be like making a nuclear powered Honda, not going to happen. Logically replacing replacing coal and nuclear powered stations would be first then public transport and so on, and definitely don’t forget about aircraft carriers and subs. Uncle Sam will get his first. Just a thought.

  8. I wish people would stop using the term disclosure honestly. It is not disclosure. Regardless of the new bill that will hopefully be passed. Disclosure is a willing release of information about a secret subject that others did not know about. Being forced to reveal your secrets is not disclosure. There is no grand plan for disclosure. People are forcing those in the know to reveal what they know and have.

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