Прицел, Оклахома 7-5-23

By admin Июл11,2023
Прицел, Оклахома 7-5-23,

Прицел, Оклахома 7-5-23,

Невероятная подделка, если не настоящая.

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by inUFOs

By admin

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43 комментарий для “Прицел, Оклахома 7-5-23”
  1. I’ve personally seen that straight black trail cut through the sky in my city and it wasn’t a Chem Trail. Up close or in person with a clear view of it, it looks like a rip in the fabric of time. I can’t really explain it beyond that. It definitely doesn’t look like anything you’ve seen before. It freaking seemingly comes out of now where, and then it fades away. But not how clouds or smoke trails fade. It fades away like the color just fades away from it but it doesn’t blur or move. When I see this video it made what I saw before make sense.

  2. If you look close at 0:14 — 0:16 seconds there is a separate orb ? It’s really hard to catch unless you watch it almost frame by frame and it appears to move horizontally and then just disappears ? Idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ could be nothing maybe just the camera movement picking up something … but just thought I’d point it out seemed kind of odd to me …

  3. Just saw this on TikTok. Their comment, “We couldnt see it with the naked eye. Only after zooming in could we see it. The trail from the sky to the ground is also

    The atmospheric distortion in the film, changing perfectly with lens switches and zoom, is hard to fake this well. The lines of smoke / stuff being dropped, as well as the orb itself, track perfectly with the camera movements. This is very convincing to me, but I’d love an expert to give their assessment.

    There appears to be another orb moving above the stationary one. If that was an insect close to the camera, you’d expect it to zip past the screen much more quickly when the camera is at max zoom.

    I don’t think disclosure happens with a three-mile-wide saucer over the White House. I think it’s from an increase in visibility of these kinds of sightings.

  4. I want to know if this is **cloaking** that malfunctions or doesn’t work as it should or if this is a **shadow from a higher dimension** because someone on ,,the other side» manipulates gravity or fabritation?

    If it is real you can see multiple other distortations all around it. It looks like a bigger craft and just this spot ,,malfunctioned» or maybe it is a window they opened to look outside or a ,,human error» from the alien. But it is way bigger than this black dot. You can see the other stuff while going through the video slowly.

  5. The skeptic in me wonders why the guy had to specifically call out that he’s filming on his phone. Just seems fishy to me. The whole thing doesn’t really pass the sniff test on this one. Would love to be wrong though.

  6. We’ve been seeing it too from southwest of Sand Springs. From our side though it’s the brightest white ever, but the same size, same movement pattern, same disappearance. We’ve seen it three times so far. I have footage of one of our sightings.

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