Доктор Мичио Каку сообщил NBC News, что бремя доказывания теперь перешло к Пентагону, чтобы доказать, что UAP не являются внеземными существами.
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I’ve been thinking about this lately, I don’t know when exactly it happened, I’m thinking sometime during COVID. The shift in public consciousness on this subject is extraordinary. The fact that news conglomerates like NBC news are talking about UFO’s and extraterrestrials seriously is just unreal, and I hope to see more of it.
Renown scientists comes to the aid of the community taking sides against government cover up.
Community:he’s trash.
Also community: we need credible people in our corner and more scientists talking about this.
Nice one
>the burden of proof has now shifted to the Pentagon
In a criminal case, innocence is presumed and the burden of proof is on the prosecution/accuser.
In a civil case, the opposite may hold true. The burden of proof is now on the defence/accused to prove there has been no wrongdoing.
And this whole UFO/UAP thing *does* seem to be a lot more like a civil case than a criminal one.
surprising, Kaku shows up in the mainstream sources so much I figured him an establishment mouthpiece. I want ets to be real and am really worried all this is just being built up just so they can come out later with a huge debunk that renders the subject uncredible for decades to come
Beautiful post thank you
It’s impossible to ignore. How people can say it’s UAP but no proof of Aliens while simultaneously saying abduction phenomena is just dreams is beyond me. All these whistleblowers coming forward committing career suicide in the process and so many people just bury their heads in the sand.
I love that he talked about the possibility of them being time travellers and 4D
While I really enjoy listening to him, He says the exact same things everytime, everywhere.
Would have been great if he changed the wordings and sentences a bit each time at least. 🙂
PS. Same with NDT.
This is a great interview, you can tell that the interviewer actually knows his stuff and has an open mind. Great questions, love to see this stuff starting to pickup more and more! Also, anyone else get the feeling that Dr Kaku knows more than he leads on?
So pay attention to this for the next year as it ramps up. After the election we will see if this is all nonsense or actually happening. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all distraction and advanced military equipment.
Not sure I agree with that, because even though I believe that there is life elsewhere in the galaxy and universe, I still am cautious of saying «oh look we can’t explain that object, therefore it is extraterrestrial»
I mean I have seen tricks by magicians I can’t explain how they exactly did it, doesn’t mean magic is real.
Wow. Kaku has been a shill, talking shit about anyone who believes in aliens and UFOs since day one. If even HE is suggesting they may be extraterrestrial, the narrative has definitely changed.
I believe that it was Carl Sagan who said, «Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.»
As much as I love Dr. Kaku, I can’t say I agree with him on this. As a scientist, particularly as a theoretical scientist, he should know this.
Yes, the math does add up that wormholes can exist in our universe and connect two points of space, and energy can traverse between those two points instantaneously…however, also according to the math, anything that enters into a wormhole would be shredded down to the quantum level as gravitational forces act differently on the part of the object entering the wormhole than the part of the object that hasn’t. It’s romantic to believe that they can exist and be used to traverse space, but the reality shows that it’s really not possible.
Sadly, this isn’t how the burden of proof works. I could also say, hey Michio, you must prove you aren’t an extraterrestrial being in disguise, or else we will all believe that you are.
Says who?
They are shadow government ARVs
🙄 here we go again , they already tried letting the government “prove” ufo / uap — the gov gave up publicly but kept studying and investigating behind the scenes. This is just a golden jubilee of massing with the public’s sense of reality
Lol…seriously? How dumb do they take us for?
he is on repeat saying this a thousand times already
Guess he’s kinda dumb then
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read
Yeah, im sure the Pentagon is gonna jump right on that…. Sorry, boss! We didn’t realize that was on us! Oh gosh, all our x files scientists are being diverted to proving this
What a dumb clickbaity thing for an otherwise smart dude to say
This is unfortunate that a scientist with his reputation would suggest that an hypothesis, with no foundation based on actual evidence and supposedly defy the laws of physics, needs to be disproven. It is disappointing to hear him parrot the unsubstantiated claims of amazing speeds without providing any support himself.
Hes a joke
The burden is now on the Pentagon to prove that UAPs aren’t piloted by bigfoot.
Let’s keep quoting 3 week old videos in the light of any new evidence or interviews??
Ummm. He is wrong. Nobody has proved the claim that they are extra-terrestrial
After a long time of nothing they are just going to say theres no way to prove theyre ET in nature and back in the crackpot UFo people go.