The lights are a form of communication, only in this case, they are most certainly not meant for avoidance/collision detection. There’s reports of mental effects on people who witness UFOs and of course the hitchhiker effect, where witnesses continue to experience paranormal events afterward.
It is often stated by those who take a blurry photograph of the phenomenon, that the light(s) are deeply effecting, and the photos don’t capture the light’s true quality. This is often dismissed as being due to the limitations of cameras, but I think that at least some parts of the light(s) exist solely within the conscious experience of the witness.
Perhaps the lights use something like quantum entanglement to communicate with or sample witnesses; when you look into the light, the light looks into you. In experiencer reports going back hundreds of years, these object have been referred to variously as vehicles, beings, or portals. The lights may be an interface of some sort.
Also of note, when multiple lights are involved, there are often patterns of some sort. They may be communicating mathematical concepts such as ‘sacred math/geometry’ that is meant to be used for some sort of spiritual or technological development.
As they say in old faerie lore, don’t follow the dancing lights or they’ll take you away. But you don’t need to follow them into the swamp, you just have to go home and dream about them.
I’m intrigued by the uap that don’t have lights. They may be an animal of a different sort.
Why wouldn’t they have lights?
The lights are a form of communication, only in this case, they are most certainly not meant for avoidance/collision detection. There’s reports of mental effects on people who witness UFOs and of course the hitchhiker effect, where witnesses continue to experience paranormal events afterward.
It is often stated by those who take a blurry photograph of the phenomenon, that the light(s) are deeply effecting, and the photos don’t capture the light’s true quality. This is often dismissed as being due to the limitations of cameras, but I think that at least some parts of the light(s) exist solely within the conscious experience of the witness.
Perhaps the lights use something like quantum entanglement to communicate with or sample witnesses; when you look into the light, the light looks into you. In experiencer reports going back hundreds of years, these object have been referred to variously as vehicles, beings, or portals. The lights may be an interface of some sort.
Also of note, when multiple lights are involved, there are often patterns of some sort. They may be communicating mathematical concepts such as ‘sacred math/geometry’ that is meant to be used for some sort of spiritual or technological development.
As they say in old faerie lore, don’t follow the dancing lights or they’ll take you away. But you don’t need to follow them into the swamp, you just have to go home and dream about them.
I’m intrigued by the uap that don’t have lights. They may be an animal of a different sort.
Everyone just assumes they come from another planet somewhere
Nick Pope, Former UK Ministry of Defence, explains why UFO’s may or may not have lights.
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Because we are a tourist attraction and they want to be able to see us at night