Высокопоставленные чиновники США знают об НЛО «из первых рук»: сенатор Марко Рубио
Похожие записи:
Гигантский НЛО/здание вокруг него/не в США/возможное местонахождение, о котором я не слышал, чтобы кто-нибудь говорил
Лента Лазаря … и отрывки из правительственной Библии , 1991 г.
Заявление Ави Лоэба в индийских новостях
Огни Phoenix по сравнению с прицелом «болотного газа» 1966 года.
Лю: «Увидимся в Вашингтоне в конце месяца».
«Пришельцы реальны, но они приходят из времени»
Эти UAP настолько велики, что им пришлось построить здание сверху. — сказал Росс Култхарт. Большой купол на Маршалловых островах.
Только что был мой первый официальный опыт UAP!
Конгрессмен из комитета по разведке говорит, что НЛО «бросают вызов физике, какой мы ее знаем, и летают под водой»
Истина прячется у всех на виду? Изображение из Национального музея авиации и космонавтики. Аполлон 17
Трейлер фильма Джулс — Раскрытие пришельцев (маленькие серые)
Quit teasing us and stick it in already!
“Top US officials have ‘first-hand knowledge’ of UFOs: Sen. Marco Rubio”
Is this not completely insane? How is this a real headline? There’s some category 5 bullshit going on. No matter what ends up being true it feels like this will become the biggest story of our lifetime. I showed this to my boss and he was just scared. I can’t be the only one that’s losing it here.
Can someone tell the New York Times to please write an article
does this explain all the money that the pentagon is «missing»
I called out Marco Rubio a few times in this sub because I know he takes this subject seriously and behold — he hath delivered
I called his office and left a nice message thanking him. I may not agree with his policies on conservativism but on this subject we both agree.
Everyone that leaves low-effort, completely irrelevant, partisan soap-box hot takes should be banned from the sub. Absolutely ruins discussion.
***»Its director, Sean Kirkpatrick, said during a NASA meeting in May that over the past 27 years, just two of the 800 UFO sightings reported to the Pentagon were “possibly really anomalous.”***
Can anyone explain this? So of the 171 unexplained sightings that AARO currently has, only 2 are anomalous? I find that hard to believe, especially given that the few sightings available to the public, Nimitz and Mosul, both appear to show anomalous behavior.
A rehash of the article from this morning, but good to see it’s spreading a bit
> High-ranking US government officials have “first-hand knowledge” of a secret Pentagon crash retrieval program for UFOs, Sen. Marco Rubio has claimed.
“Its director, Sean Kirkpatrick, said during a NASA meeting in May that over the past 27 years, just two of the 800 UFO sightings reported to the Pentagon were “possibly really anomalous.”
WTF? 2?!? That’s not at all an accurate quote.
Not to nitpick but the article is wrong on one point. The vote to halt funding has nothing to do with DNI Avril Haines, in fact the bill they approved which now goes to the house removes the ODNI / DNI completely from the reporting structure.
Rather, it has to do with programs being “formally, officially, explicitly, and specifically described, explained and justified to the appropriate committees of Congress (Defense, Intelligence) Congressional Leadership (minority and majority leaders), and the Director (of AARO).” This is described explicitly in the bill:
(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
GRESS.—The term ‘‘appropriate committees of Con- gress’’ means—
(A) the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and
(B) the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.
‘‘congressional leadership’’ means—
(A) the majority leader of the Senate;
(B) the minority leader of the Senate;
(C) the Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives; and
(D) the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
(3) DIRECTOR.—The term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.
(4) UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA.— The term ‘‘unidentified anomalous phenomena’’ has the meaning given such term in section 1683(n) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (50 U.S.C. 3373(n)), as amended by sec- tion 6802(a) of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (Public Law 117–263).
(1) IN GENERAL.—No amount authorized to be appropriated or appropriated by this Act or any other Act may be obligated or expended, directly or indirectly, in part or in whole, for, on, in relation to, or in support of activities involving unidentified anomalous phenomena protected under any form of special access or restricted access limitations that have not been formally, officially, explicitly, and spe- cifically described, explained, and justified to the ap- propriate committees of Congress, congressional leadership, and the Director, including for any ac- tivities relating to the following:
(A) Recruiting, employing, training, equip- ping, and operations of, and providing security for, government or contractor personnel with a primary, secondary, or contingency mission of capturing, recovering, and securing unidentified anomalous phenomena craft or pieces and com- ponents of such craft.
(B) Analyzing such craft or pieces or com- ponents thereof, including for the purpose of determining properties, material composition,
method of manufacture, origin, characteristics,
usage and application, performance, operational modalities, or reverse engineering of such craft or component technology.
(C) Managing and providing security for protecting activities and information relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena from disclo- sure or compromise.
(D) Actions relating to reverse engineering or replicating unidentified anomalous phe- nomena technology or performance based on analysis of materials or sensor and observa- tional information associated with unidentified anomalous phenomena.
(E) The development of propulsion tech- nology, or aerospace craft that uses propulsion technology, systems, or subsystems, that is based on or derived from or inspired by inspec- tion, analysis, or reverse engineering of recov- ered unidentified anomalous phenomena craft or materials.
(F) Any aerospace craft that uses propul- sion technology other than chemical propellants, solar power, or electric ion thrust.
Edit: I wrote to them providing the bill language and suggested the publish a correction on that point, as the removal of ODNI / DNI from the reporting structure is a huge part of this bill.
Sen. Marco Rubio doing the UAP/UFO community a massive service!
Is it just me, or are Republicans way more willing to talk about UFOs?
Sean KirkPatrick is totally pissed. They told him he had to obfuscate, deny, hire a company with expertise in suppressing whistleblowers and then the same people keep leaking to senators!
Jesus !!! just tell us already !
and then give us alien knowledge and tech — hurry ! time is moving fast
you know what would be cool — IF aliens have been around and watching us for a long time … they will have footage of ancient egypt and roman empires and mongol hoards and maybe even dinosaurs and comet strikes and biblical floods and maybe even buddha and jesus christ !!
Without attacking the politicians leanings (right or left)
If someone attached to the UFO-sphere was caught lying for their own gain they would lose all credibility and not be trusted.
Why then do we place so much trust in the hands of someone whos entire livelihood depends on their ability to be liked and re-elected? Especially any that have been caught lying to attain that goal?
I am surprised to see this being reported on the NY Post. Where is Steven Greenstreet?
Who are top US officials?
Imagine if it was part of the plan to have random headlines and stories here and there stating “they’re real and ‘people’ know” as a way to “ease” us into the topic.
I’m surprised to see David Grusch is only 36. Seems pretty young to risk his career as a whistleblower like this
There’s a lot of smoke. I have to say. A lot of smoke.
And I’m a very sceptical guy. But two senators, one of which is fairly serious… I dunno. Maybe they have these crafts…
Define “Top US Officials”. I am very skeptical that well-known people at the top (Joint Chiefs, Prez, CIA, NSA,FBI heads) know much about ETs. It runs a lot deeper and is much more secretive than the revolving door that is Washington D.C.
In the early 60s, Sen Barry Goldwater (AZ) and GOP candidate for President, was denied access to a private area at Wright-Patterson. “Need to know” on this matter is highly selective and highly limited.
And blam…sayin it again..,.find who these people are…and make their $$$ disappear. Answers will follow.
Ngl, he’ll buy my vote if he delivers
Not a great look that the only politicians talking about this thing are the worst of the liars and grifters.
as a florida lesbian but also a huge fucking space nerd, I am, in fact, willing to accept disclosure as a form of reparations for recent behavior.