Ребята, что вы думаете о том, что религиозные люди рассматривают инопланетян как демонов?

https://youtu.be/NZJOXUimUSc Я не слишком привык к этому сабу. Я больше знаком с субмариной R/UFO. Но мне все равно любопытно услышать ваши мысли по этому вопросу. А также ваши мысли о видео по ссылке.

45 комментариев для “Ребята, что вы думаете о том, что религиозные люди рассматривают инопланетян как демонов?

  1. I posted this in another comment before but relevant:

    I just finished listening to the audiobook of «American Cosmic: UFOS, Religion, Technology» by religious professor D.W. Pasulka, it was good though tends to wax philosophic a bit much for my tastes. 😀 BUT it did mention alot the account of Saint Teresa De Avilla (1515-77) which was fascinating. In her dairy she saw a small «angel», which probed her with a glowing «spear». She differentiates this angel from the ones she usually saw in her minds eye. This one appeared next to her in real life apparently:


    > *…Beside me, on the left hand, appeared an angel in bodily form, such as I am not in the habit of seeing except very rarely. Though I often have visions of angels, I do not see them….But it was our Lord’s will that I should see this angel in the following way. He was not tall but short, and very beautiful; and his face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest rank of angels, who seem to be all on fire. They must be of the kind called cherubim, but they do not tell me their names. I know very well that there is a great difference between some angels and others, and between these and others still, but I could not possibly explain it. In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron tip there appeared to be a point of fire. This he plunged into my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails. When he pulled it out, I felt that he took them with it, and left me utterly consumed by the great love of God. The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans. The sweetness caused by this intense pain is so extreme that one cannot possibly wish it to cease, nor is one’s soul then content with anything but God. This is not a physical, but a spiritual pain, though the body has some share in it—even a considerable share. So gentle is this wooing which takes place between God and the soul that if anyone thinks I am lying, I pray God in his goodness, to grant him some experience of it.*

    There was also a good interviews with the author of American Cosmic book at these:

    Konkrete: [https://youtu.be/aQhikls5Ye8](https://youtu.be/aQhikls5Ye8)


    Lex Friedman: [https://youtu.be/iqBh7G4uDR8](https://youtu.be/iqBh7G4uDR8)

    I havent listened to Lex’s interview yet but the Konkrete one pretty much covered all the book. The book does have good interactions with other Christians, and her own dealing with it, and how they all dealt with their experiences, so it’s a good read (or listen). 😀 She deals with things quite strictly academically too, so good and fair read for the non and others believers too.

  2. I think the main issue here is people using diff words to indicate the same thing. When people talk about the Bible being “false” I assume they haven’t read much of it or they trudge out Noah’s Ark or the Resurrection or 7 day creation as some sort of “you all believe in magic” type thing. No doubt there are very literal Christians, there are also many that are not. The Bible is the representation of the worldviews of peoples written over hundreds of years, some of the books are boring, some of the books have laws we don’t understand, some of them are narratives that still tell us something about ourselves. It’s not a work of “fiction” to me but a mixture of all sorts of things trying to land at symbolic truths through archetypal and oral tribal history. Saying the Bible is “false” is like saying the Brothers Karamazov is “false”. Approach the text as you would if it were not tied to any current religion and then ask yourself “what were those people trying to tell us?” Partly, that there is another realm or something above or outside of us that has an affect on us and our lives. For whatever reason, we are important to the beings in that realm. Their conclusion: we are in some sort of divine contest.

  3. Greetings.

    Prejudices, low thought patterns and ignorance🤔
    In people’s religions, a lot is written about «heavenly beings»,
    but I think some seem to ignore it.


    Best the regards.

  4. Back then everyone thought that it was just earth. No life outside of this planet. Then you got these aliens coming here abducting people, showing up in UFOs etc. I’d call them demons too if I didn’t know about other planets or wherever they’re from.

  5. I follow developments in the Cryptid community as well as this one and I am worried when I see these types of interpretations about how some cryptids are seen as demons. I believe in God, I believe in Angels and Demons but I think that Demons have their own place and these phenomena are not related; Aliens and Cryptids are not Demons. These misguided people are taking a very radical and extreme interpretation of reality and religion. It is like that Bigfoot in Iraq video where the people encountering some sort of mystery creature start to pray and think they are encountering a Djinn. It is also like certain people quoting the Bible to promote hate or racist ideologies. It’s absurd because people are trying to tie concepts that are not found in the Bible to everyday happenings. The Books in the Bible were written in a time where concepts like race, sexuality, ideology, economics, technology, science, etc didn’t exist and so people took on a more fantastical and literal interpretation of the world like the earth is flat, an edge of the world, earth-centrism, etc. They also took on a zealous and intolerant attitude towards things that weren’t aligned with their values and the Inquisition is one such example.

    There is one thing however that I have seen that does have me worried: [On one presentation by Corey Goode about Inner Earth, he states that someone, a group he called «the banished» named so because they were banished by some sort of Advanced Underground civilization that were Human-like such as the «Anshar», go to 1:10:41 on the video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfafEQ9n5Xw) He stated that one such «banished» being he had encountered had placed «Entity-Attachments» on to him and these things started to affect his daily life very negatively. What he is talking about sounds almost like a Computer virus, except these «Entity attachments» affected a person’s consciousness and emotions. What he was describing also sounds like Shadow people as well so I can kind of see how someone who was not exposed to something like this might view advanced technologies like this as Demons. If what he stated is real, then this creates some serious issues for us to worry about because it would mean that if we had this technology, we could manipulate consciousness and spiritual energy almost like computer software. If other beings and/or civilizations have such capabilities, there is no limit to the type of damage they could do to us if they wanted to and we would have no defenses against such malicious attacks and we would not even know that we were being targeted, people might assume someone is just having a mental breakdown.

  6. I think a possible lifetime of religious indoctrination, where the Earth is the center of the universe and there’s no sentient life beyond humans, leaves little room in their logic beyond defining aliens as demons.

  7. Yes. There was a research made of a collection of alien abduction cases, I believe several hundereds, of aliens ceasing their operations and fleeing when the victim professed the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. This is really going to be focused around Christians and, as a Christian who discusses this with other Christians in person and online, this is more of a fringe belief or held by a minority. Most of the Christians with whom I discuss the matter aren’t bothered by the revelation that there is life elsewhere. My duty in the last few years has been to try to encourage Christians who are certain that these are demons to handle the matter and observe carefully so they aren’t quick to say things that are likely untrue.

  9. The definition of demons usually associated with this idea is generally derived from Biblical texts. In order to seriously put forward the idea that aliens = demons, you’d have to first demonstrate that the Bible is an accurate depiction of reality/the universe, which is physically impossible. Not even going to bother and list the infinite ways in which the Bible contradicts objective realities proven by science…

    For adherents to this aliens = demons concept though, the reason why it appeals to them is the following:

    The Bible’s cosmology is very straight forward. According to it, life in the universe is strictly limited to God/Jesus, angels, demons, humans, and animals (with no mention of microbial life). That being the case, since intelligent extraterrestrial life is never mentioned, some Christians come to this whole aliens = demons thing by process of elimination. They figure, if they ain’t God, they ain’t Jesus, they ain’t angels, and they ain’t humans, they ain’t animals… there’s only one possibility left.

  10. As a Christian I can give you a answer, kinda. It depends on people and their views. I did believe they were separated until I watched a YouTube channel called Sling and Stone. Where he show cause Aliens being demons. https://youtu.be/HACD609spQA

    And here is my personal experience seeing them.

    The first one was a grey when I was sleeping. Purple static appeared in my eyes and seeing the shadow of the grey until I got up and scared. The second was pleadians, similar static but it was four / five of them. A woman and 3/4 man, all blond hair and blue eyes. I was laying down on this medical table / dentist thing and the woman said «Yes! It’s working it’s working» then it ended. The final one was interesting, I was sleeping in a dream but within the dream sleeping. Again purple static but I said «The Blood of Jesus! I rebuke satan! I rebuke you demon!» About 3/5 times until it went away and the purple static disappeared.

    It was scared of Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth. The Messiah or Anointed one.

  11. I take solace in remembering that they said the same thing about gay people and Martin Luther King. The white people who ran 1947 were terrified of the rising influence of ‘the blacks’, you best believe they’d shit their pants over the idea of ‘the grays’.

  12. As a religious person, I don’t have an issue with people perceiving them as POTENTIALLY being what the Bible calls demons. What I don’t like is when religious people make dogmatic arguments from ignorance, i.e., “I don’t know what they are and the Bible doesn’t mention aliens, therefore they MUST be demons.” Some people have made stronger arguments for “aliens” potentially being demons based on witness testimonies, and apparent “aliens” inducing feelings of dread in people (demons are believed by Christians to also do this). Additionally, people I know personally (and some who I don’t) told me they were visited by what looked like the typical gray aliens, and these beings either vanished or left after the name of Jesus was invoked. If “aliens” are actually spiritual beings, it could also explain the apparent overlap between UFO sightings and other notoriously paranormal/spiritual phenomena (skinwalker ranch, haunted houses, etc.)

  13. Of course religious people will say they’re demons .. that’s a given . I believe nothing about the Bible but I think there’s a good chance these things aren’t completely physical. Did I mention I hate religion and cults

  14. Superior flying non-human intelligence from another dimension that can effect human consciousness… some reportedly good — some reportedly malevolent… and the Christians think maybe demons or angels… that’s just crazy!

  15. Angels and demons according to a lot of different texts, are the same thing. Demons are fallen angels. And the word angel actually means messenger, so maybe demons are just angels that got tired of just relaying messages and wanted to interact more directly? In other words, maybe the so called aliens are the angels?

  16. It all depends how crazy this person is, but if they are willing to believe demons are a real thing, then they should be able to at least settle on that aliens and demons are separate, even if it’s more likely aliens were just mistaken for «demons».

    Also, at this point in time it’s alright for people to be mistaken, but it’s the real crazy ones that will continue to say they are demons even after a possible disclosure that you have to worry about. That even when faced with the facts these aren’t demons, that something inside of them has snapped.

  17. Well, it is heavily implied that whatever we have is not «alien» as in ET, but i doubt that its «demons» in a religious sense. Most likely its interdimensional humans, possibly from the future, trying to be as elusive as possible. They might not be from a crazy far future either, and those craft might not be as impressive as we think. Yes, more advanced, by few hundred years ahead in technology, but not «magical». Options two — it is some sort of robotic intelligence that we will create in the future that somehow managed to bend time and space and does shit we cant even comprehend. AI going out of control scenario. Either way, not demons in a religious sense.

  18. Kind depressingly discriminatory. Religious people really believe we’re the only ones out here and anything else is impossible because it «contradicts» God’s creation. It makes me wonder if God existed, what’s to say he didn’t have a different race out there all together? Scientologists would have a field day lol.

  19. Lets say Aliens are on earth (or have contacrd us over our species lifespan), it would kinda shatter a lot of what we know

    However it opens up another interesting perspective. What if things described as angels and demons were aliens? Especially with depctions of «flying shields» and things «descending from the skys»

    either way, the idea of Aliens and Religions always will challenge eachothers world views.

    Even then i often view «paranormal» as «science we dont understand». Like how what would have been known as possessions in the past can be attributed to Various mental disorders

    We also could be a bunch of crackpots making shit out of beliefs lol

  20. It fits with their mental state… a biased mind seeing something it cannot explain and whos mind isn’t scientifically inclined will naturally drift toward an inner belief explanation.

  21. Religion is just ppl believing in someone’s bad hallucination. After all some researchers have been finding connections with ancient peoples and their use of physchedelics and even traces of hemp in their in scent burners and wine chalices. Personally religion is the biggest cult of them all.

  22. This dude is either completely ignorant about what we DO KNOW regarding the topic or just purposefully obtuse about it. My guess is the latter. Governments don’t possess nuts and bolts crafts that demons ride in, and reverse engineer demon technology. It’s almost like he’s trying to levy a knee-jerk opinion because this stuff is in the news and he’s supposed to have a take.

  23. It is really, really dangerous to assume aliens are demons. You can’t look at this issue through your personal beliefs, I am sorry. Also, Lue Elizondo clip has been taken out of context but at least the guy shared Lue’s stance on the issue later in the video. Lue has been studying this subject for countless years and knows more about it than anyone here and he outright states that this pentagon senior official was a radical, religious person that failed to look at the subject through the crticial thinking/scientific lens. It is fine to believe in something but putting your head in the sand and ignoring things simply because they contradict your beliefs (and/or morphing them into something that makes it in line with your beliefs) is just… backwards. Ignorant.

    What if you get definitive proof that we were created by these beings and christan god was just a narrative given to us by them? Why do you instantly jump the competition train and talk about ‘beating’ the aliens? Sure, we are probably like ants or monkies to them but that doesn’t mean they won’t engage with us to some capacity. Being curious is what leads to actual human development and should not be discouraged because of beliefs that you were raised with and completely shaped your world view.

  24. The less smart people are, the more difficult it is for them to perceive or conceive of things outside of the usual frame of reference. I don’t blame them, but I don’t have too much respect either.

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