Мы Enigma Labs. Enigma — это надежное и надежное место для сообщения о наблюдении, а также крупнейшая в мире база данных UAP, к которой можно обращаться. Наша платформа продолжает использовать машинное обучение для более чем 270 тысяч отчетов граждан и военных в каждой стране, присваивая каждому наблюдению балл аномалии на основе многомерных моделей. Мы создаем инструменты для всех, чтобы деконфликтовать наблюдения с идентифицируемыми переменными, собирать информацию и общаться с другими людьми с похожими историями о наблюдениях. Мы рады объявить о нашем новом опыте Enigma Mobile. Мы создали первое в мире социальное сообщество UAP и аналитическую платформу. Мы предоставляем пользователям место для общения и обмена опытом наблюдений. ПРОВЕРКА: [https://twitter.com/enigmalabs/status/1671544172929777664?s=20](https://twitter.com/enigmalabs/status/1671544172929777664?s=20) ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: Спасибо, что присоединились к нам на нашей АМА, Reddit! Мы продолжим просматривать вопросы и давать ответы в течение следующих нескольких дней. Пользователи iOS, загрузите и испытайте мобильное приложение Enigma ([download here](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/enigma/id1548371173)). Чтобы узнать больше о нашей платформе, посетите [www.enigmalabs.io](http://www.enigmalabs.io/).
Since your app is founded on data collection and analysis, how are you combating the issue of malicious self-reporting?
I.e. How are you able to distinguish the «genuine» sightings from the «maliciously fake» sightings reported through your app at the outset, *before* feeding them into your AI and «sensor fusion» analysis programs?
What’s to stop a bad faith actor(s) from using AI to flood your app with completely false and/or misleading sightings, which would then appear to «corroborate» each other from the perspective of your AI?
How are you financed?
When you guys pulled my report from mufon you changed details and added all this stuff I never said and took away key aspects of the encounter. Not to mention you made me sound like I wrote my report while having a stroke. Why did you do this? Receipts below
Your version of my report
The original
Edit**I took screenshots because now the enigma link doesn’t work
Enigma Version of my encounter
1) When a user submits a sighting, what steps are taken to verify the user and the sighting?
2) The app’s App Store description includes: «Submit your own UAP sighting for analysis». When a user submits their own UAP sighting, what steps are involved in Enigma Labs’ analysis?
Thank you for your time.
why should we trust you?
Why do many Enigma Labs employees use pseudonyms when speaking to the media and on social media?
App questions:
* What demographic information re: witnesses is requested by the app for calculating the «veracity score»?
* Is the «veracity score» based on MUFON’s certainty index system? aka «BALLESTER-GUASP EVALUATION OF COMPLETED REPORTS»
* Will identifying metadata be scrubbed from photo, video, and audio files submitted by witnesses when made available to other users via the app? Will identifying meta date be retained on «anonymous» reports in the main database?
* Will users receive a warning about metadata and other tracking information (example: ISP address) when submitting an «anonymous» report?
* Will photo, video, and audio files be subject to compression?
* Is there a way for witnesses to submit uncompressed photo, video, and audio files?
* How does Enigma Labs employ radar in checking reports (as claimed in the Bloomberg interview with founder «Alex Smith»?)
* What phone sensors are monitored within the app while in use?
* Founder «Smith» refers to «cross-checking with any existing sensor data submitted in the area». Is that phone sensor data? Is this functionality currently in the existing app?
* Does the app need to be on all the time and with an internet connection to function?
If you are able to be anonymous even to your users, then we should as well be allowed to be anonymous. The collection of a phone number or email address in order to use the app is a little too far, and your data collection is a little funny as well. I guess my question is: why is it okay for you to be anonymous to us but not the other way around? It is in no way pertinent that my phone number or email be linked to my sighting or sightings.
I read every comment on this thread and I have about 1000 more questions then there were answers provided. I also realized just how many alphabet programs the government has. This is sussy
what does «success» mean for Enigma Labs?
From u/TheGoodTroubleShow
>We seek clarification on whether Enigma Labs is currently operating under any contract, formal or informal, or bidding on federal contracts with the following agencies operating under the purview of the Office of The Director of National Intelligence:
>Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
National Security Agency (NSA)
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
Department of State Intelligence and Research (INR)
Department of Energy Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (DOE/IN)
Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS/IA)
Drug Enforcement Administration Office of National Security Intelligence (DEA/ONSI)
United States Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI)
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
United States Marine Corps Intelligence (MCINT)
United States Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA)
Treasury Department Office of Intelligence and Analysis (TREAS/IA)
Central Security Service (CSS)
National Intelligence University (NIU)
>We kindly request that you provide us with the following information:
>The duration and scope of each contract, including the services or products provided by Enigma Labs under the contract.
>Any limitations, restrictions, or obligations imposed on Enigma Labs as a result of the contractual relationships with the listed government agencies.
>The current status of each contract, including whether they are active, expired, or terminated.
>Any other pertinent information related to these contractual relationships that would assist our client in understanding the nature and extent of Enigma Labs’ involvement with the aforementioned government agencies.
>Additionally, we request information specifically regarding any contractual relationship between Enigma Labs and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S)), as well the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, AARO.
>Thank you.
Which governments have funded you?
How much funding have you taken from them?
If you have received no funding from them are you willing to state this under oath?
What do you plan to do with the data?
From user u/almson
>More of a tech support issue:
1. I don’t want to use my phone # to sign up, but “continue with email” doesn’t give me a way to register. Can’t find a way on the website either. Lolz.
2. I suggest you have a web version, with public browsing. This way people could share links eg on Reddit (and avoid YouTube/TikTok). Especially useful as the app grows in functionality. Eg, collate multiple peoples’ sightings under a single event.
3. This is far more ambitious, but a social component with discussions, ratings, and reputation would make it vastly more useful to filter in on the truly anomalous. I suppose links to Reddit and similar platforms could also help.
What would you do if a government agency/contractor asked for all the ufo info ? And are you working for them ?
I guarantee they will not answer these questions:
1. What _exactly_ will you do with the data?
2. Who _exactly_ will you share the data with?
3. Will the data be open source (with private information removed, obviously)?
Refusal to answer some basic questions about financing and data make this seem like the most painfully obvious way to gather a certain group of people’s data & label them for future legislation
What is your involvement with AARO? Is there any government funding outside that relationship? Any plans to reveal board of directors?
Wow, the lack of engagement with the questions really makes you wanna interact with this app.
Good morning! excited to see you! Lets get rolling…
How many users need to be enrolled and active to produce statistically valid results in any given region?
These answers read like they were pre written and the author is scanning the AMA for the pre-determined questions to paste the answer into.
Some business questions:
* Where are your developers/coders located?
* Is your CEO position full-time?
* Does Enigma have any «alumns» from To The Stars Academy? Bigelow Aerospace? Bigelow Advanced Aerospace? MUFON? as consultants, advisors, contractors, or management? Who are they? What is their compensation?
* Does Enigma Labs, LLC have investors outside of the US? Of what nationalities?
* Does Enigma have management who are not US citizens? Of what nationalities? (this is of interest because of the military contracts & national security issues)
Why won’t you answer any of the tougher questions about links to government, your plans for user data, the identities of those involved in the product, etc?
* What is the monetization strategy going forward for the app? Will it be wholly ad supported? Will there be pay levels for different forms of notification or information access?
* What are the terms of return expected by the VCs? Who are they? Are they individuals or wealth funds? Will further funding be sought in the future? Will there be a public approach?
* Beyond serving ads, are there any plans to monetize witness or case information? For example, as MUFON did for a television series.
User Privacy Concerns
* In what countries are the data to be stored? Does Enigma have staff in place to ensure data privacy compliance in all of them?
* Does Enigma Labs, LLC have procedures in place for reports of abduction or mental or physical harm to witnesses? Is there anyone addressing ethics in human experimentation or harm mitigation? Anyone with mental health expertise? Any thought about HIPAA issues?
* Does Enigma Labs have a PR protocol and team for dealing with the media in high-profile cases? For example, if there were to be another Phoenix Lights or Belgium Black Triangle flap, would Enigma be releasing statements to the media?
Is there a website version of the app? We android users would like access! And while the website looks excellent, can you improve the search and filter for sightings? Everything I could find was several years old, so I doubt the content was user generated.
Will you be making your database public and downloadable as CSV or other file type? Are there plans to have an interactive dashboard hosted on your site for data exploration?
Lastly, has the team found any interesting insights through analysis of your current data set?
What is Peter Thiel’s involvement with Enigma Labs?
How do we know you’re not already working for a federal or non federal agency meant to cause chaos with the UFO diaspora?
Do you interact with the government ?
Asking as an ex-PR-professional: How do you think this AMA turned out for you?
I have no clue what your platform does after reading your description.
Could you explain the confidence score in a little more detail, please? It seems like it could manipulated by false reporting more witnesses or making descriptions more vague. I hope I’m wrong!
do you get funding from united states government in any way shape or form ? even through government contracts !
What data protection regulations do you operate under? For example, are you gpdr or ccpa compliant?
⬆️ if you only answer one of my questions, answer this one.
Edit: I see they passed on this question and similar questions from other users.
Further questions:
Is there a process by which a user can remove their submitted sighting? Who has access to the data and what controls are in place to restrict access? What uses of the data would you consider invalid or harmful? Do you have any plans to commercialize the data? Are the people with access to the data expecting a monetary return on a financial investment?
Are you an NPO or what is the business model? Where can one reach out to you guys?
A few questions out of the top of my head:
I like that you can submit stories on the web so you’re not limited to an app. What are the advantages of downloading the app doss the web version have all the features? With that said, are there any plans of releasing the app on android as well?
Seeing as to how this is a worldwide phenomenon, is there any support for multiple languages?
How does the team plan to deal with bogus reports?
How will information gathered from the reporting be shared with the public?
What do you plan to do with the info after gathering a massive database?
Thank you for your efforts.
Is this worldwide? And is the government involved? If so, not interested.
In terms of app development and heuristic design, would you be able to go over a couple examples from your design storyboard? I love this idea, but it can be so broad. What use cases does Enigma Lab envision with this app?
Do you see this as a Google Local Guide of sorts? Where there will be trusted users in certain areas? You could use these as markers for credibility and verification of events.
However, I think of the plethora of privacy issues that crop up from that. I also think about EU tracking laws and other countries. I’m very curious as to the ‘end goals’ (or even middle goals) of the app and this idea.
Thanks for your time.
Hello, will the information provided by the users be available for other users to see? I mean transparency, if I submit a video will it be available for everyone to see?
I don’t know about this. Reports should be reported to MUFON to be added to the international database, not this app.
It’s important MUFON gets the sighting reports because they can currently pin-point specific data points based on the patterns of reports
As of now they can pinpoint specific orbs that are usually reported around trees and wooded areas, other specific craft type are reported around schools, others around water, etc. they can only determine those things by continuing to receive that data
Are you currently accessing the hundreds and thousands of reports MUFON already has? And the work they’ve already done for the last 40 years?
Do you have a public API?
The first thing this app asked me for was my phone number. The first thing I did was delete it.
Are Robert Bigelow, Peter Thiel, or any of their businesses involved or invested in your company in any way? If yes, how?