По словам Брайса Забеля, Груш «предоставил имена, даты, программы и места».
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Дэвид Груш: Ватикан знает о NHI и в 1940-х годах передавал информацию в США о корабле, которым владеет Муссолини, который США впоследствии «зачерпнули».
Any craft in hangers etc would have now been relocated so anyone trying to find them based on directed by Dave couldnt. That’s what I’d do anyway!
Interesting segment where Bryce Zabel, co-host of the Need to Know podcast with Ross Coulthart (who interviewed Grusch for NewsNation) specifies the kind of evidence Grusch provided to Congress. He testified for «over 11 hours», «so he’s basically challenged the Senate and the House: ‘If you want to know more about this, I’ll tell you where to go look for spacecraft.'»
[this pretty much](https://imgflip.com/i/7orqyj)
can we not get any better news coverage of this than from laura fucking ingraham? it’s literally impossible for me to listen to her speak for even 1 second
That witch tried to tie this to her base of moron’s distrust of institutions since Trump got indicted last night. Nice of him make the comment that this could have been addressed by any of the last 12 presidents. Happy she is covering this, but hate that she tries to make this an R vs. D thing.
This is such a Don’t Look Up situation.
If Laura doesn’t sound like a complete buffoon for once, then we gotta take this seriously…
Whistle blower sponsored by the DOD.
No proof tho
Apropos of nothing, I bet Fox will really dive into the weeds of this story now. Wall to wall coverage.
* Location: Admiral Wilson’s car in back of EG&G Special Projects building at Grier and Paradise/Eric Davis’ imagination.
* Date: 10/16/02, 10am (don’t be late!)
* Program: Think ‘a cross between X-Files and Stargate SG-1.’. Aim to shoot a pilot then see if it can be picked up for a series run.
Fox «News»
Are you really citing them as your credible source? Do I have to start listing all the times they have been wrong? Google «dominion lawsuit» and get back to me
Give us the names, dates, programs and locations. Give us something tangible.
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It’s a bit tough… all of those bases where things are stored have an immense underground network of transportation that allows them to move stuff easily, but the information can still lead us to the personal who work on these crafts and eventually it will blow up.
So, still no actual evidence yet? Just an unverified claim that Grusch has already claimed evidence a year ago. So many posts repeating the same info, can we please just get that whole 7 hours already at least.
If you see it on fox…. (Finish the sentence.)