Завтра Fox News выпустит репортаж о Груше, сообщает HuffPost

By admin Июн8,2023
Завтра Fox News выпустит репортаж о Груше, сообщает HuffPost,

Завтра Fox News выпустит репортаж о Груше, сообщает HuffPost,

Не знаю, кто этот конкретный пользователь твиттера. Но у него есть настоящий клип Fox News, в котором Бретт Байер говорит, что выпустит репортаж об этом завтра, и подтверждает заявления. Да, я знаю, что это Fox News, но является ли это самым большим каналом для освещения? Клип ниже:

[https://twitter.com/jeff5647a/status/1665929125159133197](https://twitter.com/jeff5647a/status/1665929125159133197) Также: на huffpost теперь есть статья об этом, не самое большое и не самое заслуживающее доверия издание, но относительно это довольно громкое имя: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/david-grusch-ufo-report\_n\_647eb0c1e4b0047ed782f875?d\_id=5914112&ncid\_tag=tweetlnkushpmg00000067&utm\_medium=Social&utm\_source=Twitter&utm\_campaign=us\_main](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/david-grusch-ufo-report_n_647eb0c1e4b0047ed782f875?d_id=5914112&ncid_tag=tweetlnkushpmg00000067&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=us_main) Будет интересно посмотреть что будет завтра.

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31 комментарий для “Завтра Fox News выпустит репортаж о Груше, сообщает HuffPost”
  1. Love to see it. Fox + HuffPost both doing it = bipartisan, so that’s nice, but I do hope more Fox-level outlets like CNN pick it up. Hopefully big newspapers like the NYT and WaPo too.

    Let’s make this a big deal. I would love for this to become huge enough that Congress can’t ignore it. Let’s get some statements from them.

  2. People need to understand that MSM is really good here, not bc credibility (although that ofc helps) but it increases pressure on journalists to deep dive the topic, people with actual connections and influence to place pressure on government players.

  3. I saw some claims NBC is working on a story. Yes these outlets are known to be “dishonest” to say the least in my opinion. I feel and hope their hand is being forced and all will follow suit. Like a lot of you, I’ve been off and on obsessed with this topic and whatever the truth is for 20 years (especially since Tom DeLonge, Luis, Melon, TTSA etc. got the pentagon and nyt to admit some shit in 2017), and many dots seem to be connecting in my eyes. It’s hard not to feel like it’s too good to be true due to years of disappointment after disappointment but at the same time have to stay curious and keep questioning no matter the source. This seems to corroborate with what most ufo talking heads have been saying, despite their differences and “alienation” lol.. of each other, which to me is reassuring. To that, I’m stoked! Haha also not saying they’re aliens with that pun. Questioning everything seems to have given me the most hope as well as trust if that makes sense. Cheers everyone!

  4. Ugh, I mean. Fox News/CNN 🤢

    Give me BBC/CBC/Reuters/AP…Apple News even. Let’s get this out there to every net work. Front page news baby!! Fox News has a large following though, so, it’s better than what we have so far.

  5. You know, something doesn’t add up for me with the «Grusch-is-a-dis-info-agent» theory. NYT reporter Julian Barnes was crucified on UFO-social media for being a spoon-fed puppet of the «establishment» when he wrote articles that played down the UFO presence. If Grusch is a dis-info agent, then wouldn’t the «establishment» get their stooges in mainstream media to be all over this from square one?

  6. Anyone know if Grusch is connected to Knapp and Corbel? Thought I read something on Twitter saying they had passed on this story a year ago? Anyone have any info or maybe I read it wrong.

  7. It’s becoming quickly apparent that a news outlet’s size doesn’t necessarily correlate to its impartiality or bias when it comes to this issue. I would suspect that the Pentagon has actively had its talons in the editorial offices of most of them for many years now. Reddit is also starting to feel that reach since it’s still not appeared on the default news subs.

  8. I think something like this will need to be vetted by these MSM outlets. We’ve seen a lot of our favorite fringe outlets cover it of course but that’s where these start ☝️ the worst would be for this to not be covered. But I think going forward MSM will 100% cover this. Especially with AAROs June hearing as well as NASAs.

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