Широкая публика всегда будет задаваться вопросом, почему они никогда не слышат о новостях, связанных с НЛО, и «если это так важно, то почему мы не видим их на основных каналах и новостных каналах». Ну, это потому, что явно предпринимаются постоянные попытки подорвать и удалить новости, связанные с НЛО, из поля зрения общественности.
Anyone try r/anime_titties? It’s a legit news sub somehow taken over and read by a worldwide audience. No joke
r/worldnews is the epitome for what’s wrong with reddit
Perhaps, there needs to be an r/OffWorld_News subreddit? 😀
Most of Reddit “news” subs are heavily slanted in what stories they prefer to post
Cause r/worldnews moderators are a bunch of hacky shills.
r/worldnews is truly gate keeping and lacking in professionalism. I was banned from commenting and never was given a reason. I pleaded my case and they said I supported “anti vaccination” which was super weird because I’m Covid vaccinated lol. They refused to hear me out. And what can I do? No jury. Just banned. That’s the kind of show they run. But, for what it’s worth, Reddit is still not used by the majority of people for news. Reddit is a sounding board and many people do not use it. r/worldnews not allowing it is inconsequential. We need it on the BBC, CBC, REUTERS, and AP. Then, and only then will it be truly monumental.
world news is for non us news. it says that on the side bar. you submitted a story with the united states in the title. it’s a pretty low bar. you tripped over it. it would be deleted anyway because that sub is just a war propaganda sub these days, but you certainly didn’t give them a reason to keep your post around.
Very few communities on reddit are not tainted in some way. Including this one unfortunately. This is the problem with the modern internet. You don’t even know if it’s 1 person making 10000s of curated responses or articles or if it’s legitimate.
From the r/worldnews sidebar:
> Disallowed submissions
> * US internal news/US politics
Ya countless Reddit subs are just junk. The admin is bias beyond comprehension. Don’t use subs as evidence this place has been under the control of the deranged for a while now.
SS: r/wodlnews chooses to remove the whistleblower article, after it was up for half a day and was gaining traction, flagging it as «not appropriate». This is why the general public still have little to no idea regarding the developments around UAPs over the last few years, and it’s simply because there’s an ongoing effort to remove such stories from the public eye, and as long as it’s kept within niche subs and news channels, then the general public will continue to ignore the topic.
The NYmag article is still posted in r/news but the comments are full of demands for evidence and braindead takes on UFOs. Also, any comments saying «I hope this is real» are getting massively downvoted.
That’s because world news is an arm of the leftist propaganda department. It’s not because the story is about UFOs. It’s because the story isn’t about some leftist movement or bashing a conservative.
Read the rules of the subs you try to spam this shit in before switching to full conspiracy mode.
World news and all the other big subs are moderates by the same people I think so that explains why it always appears there’s an agenda on Reddit
Because it’s stupid and not real news. I totally can figure there is life elsewhere. Universe is to big for there not to be. But can they travel the distances between solar systems or galaxies and still not be powerful enough to keep from being hidden from public. No way. Are we so self centred that we think UFO’s are hidden from us? Do you really think a people who might be powerful enough to travel faster than light speed could be contained. Give your heads a shake.
Tried to share on worldnews the new Independent.co.uk (yes, they also published it) article and it said this link was previoulsy shared, so I am not allowed to share again.
I guess I don’t need to tell to anyone here that this article is not available there, it does not seem at all it was shared previously…
News sites on Reddit are literal biased dumpster fires filled with extremely closed-minded people. The worst of the worst. If you weren’t aware, you are now. Sorry if you are one of them. 🤷
That sub is unbearable. It’s grossly left leaning and I say this as someone who considers themselves to be more left in their views. Their mods are probably some of the worst on Reddit. I guess you need to be a cunt to handle being a news moderator.
So reddit mods are now part of the big UFO conspiracy?
This is exactly why nobody takes you seriously.
Huffpost picked it up, fox says they’ll have it tomorrow
I take pleasure in knowing that the mod who kept deleting the story will have to acknowledge they were wrong sometime in the next 24 hours and leave it up.
The conspiracy mindset here for every little thing is annoying. Your post broke the subreddit’s rules (it’s for non-US news and your post had US in the title), it’s not a coordinated coverup conspiracy.
Former journalist here.
The reason you’re not seeing it in more main stream publications — though some are picking it up — is because there are certain qualifications something like this requires to be worthy of publishing in a major outlet, and one of those is evidence. Someone saying there is evidence is not evidence, and no established journalist is going to go out on a limb to cover this without evidence simply because there have been dozens of similar claims in the last few years and none of them have provided any hard evidence.
When one does it will be the biggest story of the year, however there isn’t anything here to point to as hard fact, and without hard fact a reporter isn’t going to file a story. The stories you see are mostly about the *reactions* to the whistleblower story, which can be proven with screen captures and links, but coverage of anyone suggesting such things and Grusch require evidence, and so far there isn’t any.
Is it because a complete and totally lack of proof? Give us real CLEAR proof.
You can’t post US related news — read the rules.
Hope reddit will purge 3rd party apps so this site will go down and we can start fresh.
Lmfao i tried to go to r/worldnews and i guess im banned didnt even know
It’s incredible the parallels between this news and the last 3 years of media control and govt enforcement.
I really hope this explodes and makes the average person realise we’ve been lied to about almost everything and for a very long time.
This whole thing is equally exciting and utterly terrifying
Lol r/worldnews is the biggest censored propaganda platform on the internet. I’m not surprised.
Everyone in this comment section, including the OP is an idiot.
Your post got removed because its about the US. Read the very first rule of the subreddit.
Of course you will blame it on the government secretly suppressing any information on world news about UFOs though
Nearly completely censored in the uk.
He’s not an intelligence official. He’s a realtor that wants to sell his book. Where is the evidence?
Because Reddit is a part of the CIA control to keep the general public «stupid». This program has been very very successful. Awakening of the masses, happening now, makes this control harder and harder and will continue until government collapses. It’s inevitable.
I remember seeing something to the effect that a huge amount of reddit users were located out in the middle of nowhere but close to some big military base or something.
Yep, my gf couldn’t find much about it when she was googling
That sub mod team sucks balls.
In the 80s It was considered news if It was Big enough….from the 90s we observed a growing stigma on people claiming UFOs were something, and UFO journalists and investigators sufered harrassment from talibans on TV debates, rationalist associations against pseudo-science, etc, who directly insulted anybody who dared to speak openly. I speak from Europe but you can see this progress anywhere, I dare to say.
So, no surprise to see how TVs and newspapers got rid of that stigma and look at It as a no-fact, no nada. Instead, news are only Economy-Politics aaaaand Sports, the Holy Trinity of modern citizens. And more polarization than ever.
The same corporations that keep this hidden are the same that own our media!
I think what we’re seeing here is less of a conspiracy and more of a bias. We’re still at a point where a lot of people view UFOs as a purely sensational topic.
They retrieved the flying orbs?.
Hopefully BBC picks it up and then it can be shared there and the mods can shove it.
Ultra progressive mods scared of some actual progress
My question is.. is this in the hands of humanity anymore? Is this sensorship being driven by higher intelligence and their methods in psychologically altering our modus operandi? We blame big brother but this is something else?