Very cool, thank you. You gotta think, in another decade, where are we gonna be let alone another year. Would be righteous if our own USA government would get their collective groups and communication all on one page, and start treating each other like adults. Especially the USA people. We aren’t all pussies, but it seems like so many in these decision making situations, think they are above all. They, are the pussy.
Having a really hard time getting this to post for some reason.
Pictured above:
* **Project Sign**, 1948-1949
* **Project Grudge**, 1949-1951
* **Project Blue Book**, 1952-1969
* **Adv. Aerospace Threat ID Prog.**, 2007-2012
* **AARO/UAFTF/AOIMSG**, 2020(?) — Present
Possible undisclosed programs
* CIA UFO Program(s), 1947-1990
* OSI UFO Programs(s), 1979 — Unknown
Very cool, thank you.
You gotta think, in another decade, where are we gonna be let alone another year.
Would be righteous if our own USA government would get their collective groups and communication all on one page, and start treating each other like adults.
Especially the USA people.
We aren’t all pussies, but it seems like so many in these decision making situations, think they are above all.
They, are the pussy.
Yea there’s a good bit of time 70s-90s where we have no idea what was goin on
you forgot project moondust
You should add Project Twinkle. It was 1949 and was concerned with identifying the green UFOs flying over Los Alamos and atomic testing sites.
XFILES the smoking man …… lights up a cig .. same program different names.
What about AATIP? Lue’s org?