Что ваши ребята думают о Викторе, о том, что он сказал, и о реальных кадрах. Я просто нахожу это таким интересным.
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Victor did an interview with Art Bell one night which was one of the best episodes of Coast to Coast ever.
Fame whores have ruined extraterrestrials for us believers 😭
Copying the link for anyone interested that hasn’t seen it yet (including myself):
As a pretty open minded person, I think its fake. It’s too convenient how dark the room is, it totally looks like a puppet on strings
It’s motions look fake. Aka puppetry
The lighting is so cliche. No way you’d have this in a pitch black room with a single spotlight like a movies criminal investigation.
Doctor and interrogators would be in complete hazmat suits or completely separated from an alien lifeform. Hell they did this with corona virus at first.
If an alien being needed medical attention for something wrong in its airway or throat, a doctor would not exam it from behind like this guy does. Looks so staged to keep the alien in view. It’s safety or aid would trump the reach around medical exam he does. It’s silly.
The setting and interaction and movements all seem so phony.
They in a closed space sharing oxygen with an unknown life form? Where are the hazmat suits?
You have to ask yourself, «What is the likelihood that a *bona fide*, actual interview, with a member of an alien species is floating around on YT?»
Why would the government allow it to just exist in the wild? They won’t show video of an alleged encounter and ‘shootdown’ of a UFO/UAP over Canada but, will allow an interview with an alien to circulate on YT?
It’s interesting that there is remakes of this very video. I thought it seemed more convincing then some of the others out there. What makes this an obvious fake? I just want to know as it may have gone over my head 🙂
I have seen this footage and I think it aligns very well with other purported incidents and anecdotes from them like the Battle of Dulce where Phil Schneider claimed there was a battle between some sort of special forces and an ET group that looked like Greys. He claimed that one of the beings which was shot had their lenses fall off revealing cat or snake like eyes with a vertical slit and it is believed that the reason the eyes look black is because they actually have some sort of protective eyewear due to these beings being sensitive to light, I am not sure if the being in this video is the same but they clearly have the same light sensitivity as the ones described by Phil. From what I remember, it was choking because there are airborne particles that can be harmful to them. I don’t understand how it could get sick from airborne particles considering the level of technology these types of beings have but I don’t know, I guess we are making some defective judgements, maybe they did not know or realize that there is something in our atmosphere that can harm them. If this is a fake, it is pretty damn impressive. It sucks because in the end no matter how impressive the footage is, the gov has left us to doubt ourselves as a result and nothing can ever be conclusive enough. Videos like this though make it damn obvious that people already know, if we were shown Alien beings tomorrow and although it would be shocking, we have practically been exposed to ET beings for decades now through fiction that it would barely be a surprise, just a validation.
Not gonna lie, took me a while to find it again, figured I’d find / share it so everyone can see it stick out its tongue for themselves. I found this many years ago while analyzing the video, I thought nothing of it, I wasn’t a part of any forums group back then so I never shared it, actually I thought others must have seen this too.
To view it go to:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thdzV3VGzwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thdzV3VGzwo)
First switch to slow mo .25 speed or you’ll miss it.
On the video, youtube time of 37:49 is when it occurs, hit pause a second or two before.
Locate the department of naval intelligence time stamp on the bottom of the video.
The tongue sticks out at 4:02 : 19:05 on the DNI time stamp, so rewind it for a few seconds and pay close attention to its mouth, the tongue sticks out, then a little further before retracting back.
Make of this what you will, I always found it really interesting and nobody ever pointed this fast micro expression out during the interviews with Victor, not even the supposed video experts that analyzed the video ever point this out. Throughout the video it does open and close its mouth.
It’s a PUPPET.
I must say though that when I first saw this a long time ago I was convinced it was real. And back then if you asked me I would have sworn that it blinked. But it didn’t and it doesn’t and it would as a reflex to gagging.
But no really ITS A PUPPET
Remember folks, there were many disinformation agents working for the CIA with the sole purpose of “muddying the waters” around the actual truth (in order to make it seem fake) …and that the majority of what is actually out there is real. Just with a little mud on it. Richard Doty is a perfect example of this.
I remember I saw a documentary from the 90s on this video and the interview with *Victor*. If I recall they went to a VFX Specialist in LA for consulting to get their opinion.
If I recall, they said it can be a hoax (as in its a puppet), but that it’s an extremely good one and one in which it would be extremely difficult to replicate. They couldn’t tell heads or tale if it was fake.
I am recalling this from menory, I could be wrong.
It has a tongue that sticks out for a split second during the video. This reminded me of a lizard sticking its tongue out. Watch carefully for it. If I remember correctly it’s around the time the people enter and check em out, been so long since I seen this.
Eh…I want to believe but….
What I find so interesting is that so many people spend so much time trying to create hoaxes and/or parodies.
It’s like the original [«Skinny Bob»](https://www.youtube.com/user/ivan0135/videos) videos. Those look real but they’ve been debunked many times but I’ve never seen a faithful replication of it. Supposedly they were created for a movie and those were kids with big heads and extensions on their arms. One would think that could be easily recreated but I have yet to see it.
Anyways — it’s hard to know what to believe so I may believe some of it but I’m always open to changing my mind as more and more «evidence» is presented.
My biggest gripe is the dialogue. It’s got the edginess and predictability of something written by a teenage X-Files fan.
I just want to say I didn’t expect so much attention on this post as this is my first time making a post in this sub Reddit and I just want to state that you guys are f-ing cool as f lol.
This is an interesting video. I swear on my life when this video first came out there was another like 6 second clip of the alien at the end where you could see it’s upper body, much more lit up. Either it was laying sideways looking at the camera or the camera was sideways. I have never been able to find it again. I don’t necessarily think it’s real. But where did those few seconds go?
Got myself into contact with ppl that still analyze it to this day, some things in that video are very weird and nearly impossible to fake to them.
We still haven’t found out who Viktor was, or where this interview was faked nobody has come forward.
Art bell said that Viktor sounded a bit like whitley strieber and lots of ppl listening to him that night said the same. We saw Viktor in the special edition in 2008one last time where you challenged ufologists to debunk the tape and discover his identity,he said that the end of the world is coming and he’s dying
. .
I don’t know if it’s real or fake, it’s a good package delivered by these rocket picture ppl. They made money with it…to this day there is still no behind the scenes stuff or something, maybe it’s real… Maybe not..
Here is the interview from 2008 with Viktor that channel has part two also
As a firefighter looking at that being I would definitely believe it’s real by the skin texture you can see the yellow tinge and blood vessels. It’s movements suggest breathing issues that’s why it’s moving like it is struggling to get oxygen . If it doesn’t speak out loud because it’s telepathic that explains it’s lack of arm movement..we jester in conversation moving our arms as expression. Without open speech it makes sense expressing one’s self telepathically would be in the mind instead of physical. So In the end I can see a being that moves less when communicating. There is definitely a side government that has been in contact knows a million times more than the public. The truth is we are not alone there are other civilizations in our universe and maybe not at all from this universe. The real question and issue is why will they not tell us the truth. Why are they hiding the truth from us. Is it a time paradox where they are not 👽and are actually us from the future so they are covering it up? That’s one explanation for the secrecy. It’s really disappointing that the truth is being concealed.
The story of the footage is plausible, and chances are leaked footage would be incredible and also mundane….which this is.
When I was trying to find the Matilda Macelroy book, Interview With an Alien, on YouTube, this Victor thing came up, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for. To me, that says this one is baloney and the Macelroy book may actually be legit.
I skimmed the video to be fair so if I’m off correct me. If I was to fake an alien interview the first and most obvious thing that needs tackled is communication. The aliens communicate telepathically conveniently for the video because making up an alien language and some form of speech would be too difficult and suspect and we are just accepting that even telepathically someone was able to understand the thing. How convenient for the video that the room needs to be dark for the aliens comfort but there’s just enough light shining at it’s face so we can see it’s head and not the rest of the body where the person is likely controlling the puppet. It’s a good puppet but it’s just a puppet.
Boy needs an ophthalmologist. Got them strabismus eyes
I watched this video.. didn’t it die afterwards?
I love the special around it but like all supposedly alien footage , it’s been debunked but hey like Mulder from the X-files “ I want to believe ! . ”
I heard Robert Stack say matter of factly that the aliens at Roswell absolutely love strawberry ice cream. My kind of people right there.
It’s a legit video
It’s legit
Oh I can’t believe this is back from 1997 it’s once again the same old stuff dark room high production value come on.
It doesn’t take a skeptic to argue why this is fake.
* The room it’s in is pitch black. That only makes sense if the goal is to keep us from seeing the animatronics or the puppeteer controlling it or the machine running it. If you know animatronics, the back of that thing’s head very likely has wires running out of it. They build the inside with moving parts and then coat the head in a latex mask. This video came out way back when smaller animatronics weren’t possible. That room is likely filled with equipment running that thing. That’s why they kept it dark.
* You never see movement below the neck. If it’s a real creature you’d expect movement entirely. Not just the head. That further implies it’s an animatronic head on a puppet-like body. They purposely use the darkness of the room to conceal that.
* The guy who leaked this argued that the person communicating with it was in a separate room from the alien. They were separated by glass or similar because the alien was suspectable to our diseases. That alien is supposed to be in a clean room. Clean rooms follow a pretty typical design and if this was the case, that room should be bright white and basically empty beyond medical equipment. This looks like it’s inside a closet. **Beyond that point, when the medical staff take out their flashlights to examine the alien, no glass can be seen. If there was some sort of protective barrier between the two sides of the room, the light from their flashlights would cause a gleam to appear on the glass and distort the scene. No gleam is seen.**
* This gets contradicted further when the «medical staff» who run in to help the alien in distress are wearing regular medical garb. Like scrubs you’d wear in an ER. If this was a genuine clean room situation you would expect them to be wearing CDC level bio-suits used in events like disease outbreaks. They look something like this. [Example](https://api.army.mil/e2/c/images/2019/05/01/551508/original.jpg)
This is a really great fake and it’s obvious someone took the time to really try and create a realistic looking being. That said, there is too much which doesn’t add up when you take into account what we see and what the «leaker» says in the interview.
Can’t remember very much of it but from the still frame here it looks very much like a costume.
there’s one in sekret machines if you’re into books
I love this video, so scary.
This is cool and all but what about Bob?( cue the 80’s sitcom jingle)
The alien interview goes way back. Probably one of the first videos I remember watching on the internet, I’d estimate late 90s. ’98 or ’99. Remember loading it over dialup.
I was pretty young at the time and it was *very* unsettling.
Whats interesting is that its been 20+ years and it hasnt been convincingly debunked that I know of. Probably the most well done fake of all time in the alien world.
I never believed this one. What about the other one where the alien is trying to talk to the Brazilian guy?
Huh 😀
Any context? What is this Viktor interview? When did it take place?
Muppets in Space!
Any links? This is new to me. Thx