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Very vague language. Idk, I keep going back to the Bennewitz case. Maybe this guy truly believes what he’s saying but he’s been fed a bunch of lies…?
Sources like Bob Fish claim that they know the signature of the UFOs so maybe that’s how they can track them.
«At some point, the information about ‘alien’ stuff and true US national defence information crosses paths. Patriots with clearances do not want to be traitors to their country or their way of life. For instance, if I told you the exact electromagnetic signature of a high-match UFO that US sensors search for, but don’t attack, and you put it in a book, the Soviets/Chinese would manufacture a bomber with sigint/elint countermeasure equipment that generated that exact signature.»
This statement was something that caught my attention. I do believe he is telling the truth and hope to learn more in the coming days.
[Full interview this Sunday evening](https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1666214649275224064?s=61&t=VvTd6PxjlIKCxIFVGj22cw) (link)
I’m the only one more concerned about them being a threat and actually killed Humans????
It should be obvious that these UFOs don’t just visit the US. Obviously they visit all around the globe and other countries have the same “WTF?” reaction that we have. I just think we have much more developed standard operating procedures around retrieval, secrecy, reverse engineering, etc.
I fear the military-industrial complex is telling us now because they are afraid they are about to get their ass whooped and think we should know…
The following submission statement was provided by /u/basecamp01:
This statement was something that caught my attention. I do believe he is telling the truth and hope to learn more in the coming days.
Please reply to OP’s comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/142wgkb/there_have_been_instances_and_there_are_certain/jn6ossa/
Why is he being labeled as a “whistleblower” when he has literally a permission from the DOD to make an interview?
Isn’t a whistleblower just an individual who leaks secret US government info to the public without permission because he considers it illegal or criminal?
I personally think that Courthart and News Nation are being sensationalists for trying to make this person something he’s not.
I smell a rat. Polygraph time.