Беспрецедентно: Politico публикует статью Кристофера Меллона о том, почему США пора обнародовать информацию о материалах крушения НЛО.

By admin Июн8,2023
Беспрецедентно: Politico публикует статью Кристофера Меллона о том, почему США пора обнародовать информацию о материалах крушения НЛО.,

Удивительное чтение и авторитетные организации начинают обсуждать эту тему.

By admin

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16 комментарий для “Беспрецедентно: Politico публикует статью Кристофера Меллона о том, почему США пора обнародовать информацию о материалах крушения НЛО.”
  1. I was surprised to see it in Politico, which is a really solid journalism outlet. The fact that it was there means their opinion editor signed off on it. I’m in the media business so here is more info. The way an opinion piece gets accepted is the piece has to cross two big hurdles with the editor: the professional caliber of the author (check) and the timeliness of the opinion (check). The actual substance is not approved or disapproved — if the opinion is timely and the author is respected, that’s all it takes. The fact that it is as sexy of a topic as this is makes it irresistible.

    This being published in Politico does not give any third party credibility or validation. No Politico editor said, «yes, I believe all these statements to be true.» No, the editor asked, will our audience like this and can it drive ad revenue? Yes and yes, you are published.

    I write this just to say while this opinion piece definitely raises this issue in a serious way with more serious readers, and I like that Politico ran it, if Mellon wasn’t Mellon and we didn’t have recent hearings/NASA panel, then this would not have been published. Fwiw.

  2. Thank you for posting. One of the best articles I’ve read by Mellon or anyone for that matter towards having a clear understanding of the importance of bringing the American people up to speed on this issue.

    Pentagon & Intel agencies now have a chance to open the conversation among themselves & control the Narrative towards more open hearings, briefings & COMMUNICATION across departments…Air Force included.

    We can discuss this WITHOUT giving up any Sources & Methods. This needs to be addressed now. Imagine if all of us SHARED this article to 2 friends & the impact that will have.

  3. Chris Mellon leading the way. Glad we have some A-listers on our team.

    But I’m conflicted after much thought about this. I wanted disclosure for a long time. We all know what’s going on.

    HOWEVER, look at what happens when a new virus hits the world. Look what happens when Russia invaded Ukraine, or when a bank defaults.

    World economies suffer, food and supply chains wither. Military action takes place. Things implode on manageable stuff.

    Imagine if the US Govt said by the way, an alien species is among us.

    We would ALL be in deep trouble. Not by the aliens. By ourselves.

    I’m good that we know. Let the rest of the world live in blissful ignorance.

  4. I’m not convinced that governments keep these programs and engineering efforts secret because of economic or social disruptions that would occur, those things are relatively manageable.

    Because of advancements and advantages that alien technology would give to a country it’s a pragmatic to stay quiet. At some level everyone knows that everyone knows and now we’re in some sort of classified arms race.

  5. chris mellon is an ice guy however he is still ‘inside’ so I am reluctant to place too much weight on him; even politico has become politicized lately

    that said: the government will ‘freak out’ if it rains too much so as far as things falling apart: GOOD … this country needs a strong revolution and the breaking down of the corrupt organizations who have overtaken our taxes and freedoms for THEIR legacy to remain in power at OUR expense

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