**tl;dr:** Разоблачение недавних кадров базы ВВС Холломана, сигнальные ракеты Корбелла и как отличить исследование от развлечения. *** #Эмоциональные инвестиции Некоторые из нас в той или иной степени вкладывали себя в эту тему в течение некоторого времени. При таком вложении умственной энергии, даже если это было мимоходом, эмоциональная привязанность неизбежна. Для некоторых неоспоримым фактом в глубине души является то, что они знают, что на нашей планете происходит что-то *странное*, и дальнейшая информация скрывается теми, кто ею владеет. Надежная, поддающаяся проверке информация по теме имеет решающее значение, независимо от прозаичности или неизвестности вывода. Приукрашивание, ложь путем упущения и откровенные мистификации могут нанести ущерб. Таким образом, сказать, что в этой теме есть «большие чувства», — это то, что мы должны убрать с дороги, и с этим все согласны; если у вас есть какие-либо сомнения, просмотрите UFOtwitter в течение часа. *** #Вопрос информации Один из способов ориентироваться в лабиринтной трясине, которая является социальным аспектом уфологии, состоит в том, чтобы провести линию на песке, откуда берется информация, которую вы потребляете. Несколько вопросов, которые нужно задать: — Кто выиграет от информации? — Это пришло из академического источника? — Как это было представлено? Исследовательские работы, размытое видео с мобильного телефона? — Есть что-нибудь, что подтверждает это? Это была просто история? Есть ли у этой истории хорошие анекдотические доказательства? — Есть ли денежная выгода за его выпуск? Основываясь на этих вопросах, можно сделать один из двух выводов или, возможно, их комбинацию в лучшую или худшую сторону. **Артисты UAP и исследователи UAP**. Я уверен, что имена и личности уже всплывают перед вашим мысленным взором, поэтому позвольте мне просто заявить, что мы все должны признать, что это в основном мнения. Однако это может быть полезным внутренним инструментом для человека, чтобы *понимать вещи*. *** #Recent Events На прошлой неделе у нас произошло несколько интересных событий, два из которых можно считать *ударом* по теме. Они есть, если вы позволяете им быть. У нас есть «объект» в печально известном фрагменте предполагаемой посадки на базе ВВС Холломан, неопровержимо идентифицированный как обычный самолет (вероятно, F-4 Phantom). У нас также есть фальшивые кадры «крафта», выпущенные неким Джереми Инидмором, Корбеллом. **Одно событие является результатом исследования. Другое событие — результат создания развлечения.** *** #The Distinction Загрузчик базы ВВС Холломан [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXipzdrKgIY)) Находка провела исследование. Он изучил топографию, доступную на видео, сопоставил ее с картой, определил, где находится камера в трех измерениях, и получил запись видео с более высоким разрешением из DVD-релиза документального фильма, частью которого она была. Это была в значительной степени новая информация, и она изображала обычный самолет, что развеяло тайну того, что это был за объект. Еще раз говорю, это исследование. С другой стороны, у нас есть «капля Корбелла» (найти [here](https://www.weaponizedpodcast.com/news-1/mojave-triangle-uap)). Серия плохих видео с плохим происхождением, «интервью», которое требует вашей веры в какую-либо ценность, и все это распутывается, как рулон туалетной бумаги на ветру, если его подвергнуть самому слабому анализу. Это потому, что исследования отходят на второй план, когда возможна хорошая развлекательная история. Проверка не проводилась, потому что он не исследователь, а конферансье. *** Так что мужайтесь, смотрите на вещи такими, какие они есть. Единственный ущерб, нанесенный здесь, касается доверия к таким личностям. Они хотят, чтобы вы видели в них исследователей, но не вкладывают в работу. Они полагаются на голословные истории, приукрашивание и шумиху. Есть причина, по которой для получения хорошей информации нужно немного покопаться, потому что она требует вашего собственного исследования. Есть также причина, по которой один и тот же артист будет участвовать в 25 подкастах или даже вести свои собственные и распространять одни и те же истории.
Not just in the UFO community. Anyone heard of ENTERTAINMENT shows like “Finding Bigfoot” and “Ghost Hunters”? Same thing, different ‘elusive’ subject.
Christ this post hits home. I’m sick of all of the bullshit and constant stringing along for the next big reveal. Alien scientist is one of the better ones on YouTube but I’m rarely sure who else to trust. Very good post OP
Edit use your own judgement on alienscientist. I’ve been following him since he first started and he’s a bit in depth unless you are really into the mechanics of stuff like this
Edit 2 I personally feel like the reason alien scientist is good is because he’s not promising anything. He offers a valuable perspective a lot of the time and tells it like it is. If you are interested in the possible function of the actual phenomena then he’s the best I’ve found at spit balling the potential engineering behind them.
Also if you like night vision footage then «UfoLou» on YouTube is another one I’d recommend. Not all the footage is to do with UFOs but some of it is definitely in my top ufo footage I’ve seen.
Why say it is an emotional investment? Can’t we just objectively seek the truth without emotion? Emotions speak to passions which can lead one astray. If you are emotionally invested, you’re susceptible to superficial evidence and analysis, one way or the other. We see it here by an unquestioned belief in West’s conclusions on the Mojave incident, even though he’s been wrong before and is likely wrong here also. Let’s audit the claims but also audit the auditors and do it all without emotion in the pursuit of truth. Instead of emotional investment, I suggest one simply be personally invested and leave it at that. We all have our motivations for interest in this topic, but let’s be objective in our pursuits.
Thx for writing this out. I always wondered why people get so emotional about shit, and talk about “leaving” like what are you never going to look at the sky again or what?
And then there are those that have had intense close encounters with UAP, then sit back and quietly watch the UFO community. We no longer need confirmation or disclosure. We already know. Nevertheless, this process is tiring, emotional and intense. Where we land as a species, nobody knows.
I wish I knew how to give awards. This is the trap so many of us fall into.
We’re treating everyone like they’re respectable journalists and research scientists but all these people are just farming content for profit. Corbel says he has *dozens of videos* that he’s holding back, he clearly prefers to release them in a slow drip to milk em for all they’re worth, at least thirdphase and secureteam seem to push em out as fast as they get them.
You can say corbel is being cautious and vetting them first but this latest flare incident proves that the public is perfectly capable of applying our own scrutiny and frankly the internet did a better job researching this one in a few hours than corbell and Knapp did in 2 years. If corbell was serious he’d drop all his evidence at once and let the chips fall where they may, but there’d be no profit in that.
Greenwald at the black vault is the only one asking really hard questions without seeming to kiss anyone’s butt for access. I wish there were more researchers like him.
But who debunked this and how?
Has anyone on the forum seen “Mirage Men”? No disrespect, but the psy-op has been going on for a long time. People don’t even know they’re manipulated for “The Cause”. If you don’t take this as 100% entertainment, the JJ Abram’s “puzzle box”, then I donno man..seems like a set up for mental/emotional health issues.
I totally love the entertainment of all this stuff, but I don’t lose sleep when the rug gets pulled out.
Jeremy «Ground-Breaking Multi-Hyphenate» Corbell.
some good advicce, but if you expect people to do research full time… just how do you expect them to live? Sure we need to be mindful, and just like any website, ask the question if it is clickbait
dont get me started on the poor video bs… explored that in detail in another post… people clearly have no idea on photo/videography who maintain this bs. Provenance however… is critical, and this is where tube channels posting random vids on a regular basis without context and sources should be seen as little more than a curiosity, but taken very lightly.
you are clearly new is to the topic… that is how the community works. There are deeper researchers than others… one presents info , another does a deep dive, the story rounds itself out and the crap gets filtered
yeah, not a fan of Corbell, or at least his style, and not particularly enthused by the recent vid, but they have also done solid work in the pas as well… eg the whole pentagon vid story in the WP. It’s just critical thinking… we need to take each case at it’s face value. Some researchers you need to be far more critical of than others.Also I dunno if you ever encountered a human before.. sometime we get things wrong. It is intent that matters and willingness to correct the record. On those points Corbell and Knapp are solid.
source quality is indeed important, but does that mean Billy-Bob’s sighting int he Bijou should be ignored? NO… we just need to be far more critical and careful. Just because a single person witnessed something does not mean it didn’t happen… though we should ask ourselves how much time we spend on it, set it aside and wait for further info. Until then.. it’s just a curious story
Airline pilots reporting ‘sprites’ were ignored for years and not taken seriously until a *fuzzy photograph* was taken. Now they are scientific fact. We can set aside a sole observers testimony, but after hundreds of ‘single observer reports’ roll in, and high quality observers at that…. one has to take it seriously. the point again… we need to approach each case separately, and sorry…. we are aiming for peer review, but elusive subjects and reports don’t just get turfed out because it wasn’t peer reviewed. THAT is reserved for the final stage and full scientific acceptance…. and obviously carries FAR more weight, but does not dismiss everything else entirely
lotta good suggestions.. but gotta beware of absolutisms
I do not understand this sense of entitlement. It is as if you feel you have a claim to evaluate or determine what is relevant, irrelevant, correct research and wrong research. You feel entitled to get perfect evidence presented to you on Reddit, because you want it to be so. If not, you quickly join the choir of government sponsored disinformation, debunking attempts and discrediting of individuals who spend their lives trying to move the subject forward.
It is maybe a case of being the center of attention too much as a child, or being used to have instant gratification all though your youth. It is maybe that you have gotten too many participation medals and had curling parents. One will never know.
You are too lazy to really want to give any thought to the best political approach to change the mindset of the population. You are convinced that Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp and the likes are making all of their content to please you or people in the UFO circle, when nothing could really be any further from the truth.
It is not content made to prove UFOs to you as a sceptic or denier. You are not the center of attention. You are not the reason Weaponized is created. They are not here to pave the way in front of you until you can get the physical proof of an alien craft you demand. And because you have not realized this, you for act like a kid who does not get their way. You throw tantrums online, spew accusations of forgery, grifting and worse.
IF you had contemplated the complexity of getting disclosure, you would understand that it is not just about rólling out a UFO or getting some random dude to say on Reddit: «I worked there». It is about building public awareness, putting pressure on lawmakers, congressmen, senators and ultimately those who guard the truth, while at the same time disclosing it in a way that all parties can accept.
It pisses me off that because of you anonymity online, you feel you can pull any accusation out of your ass and throw it at the wall to see if it sticks. If you are wrong, there are zero repercussions. You are all almost without exception gutless excuses of men (boys). You have added nothing to the subject other than disparity, division and ridicule.
Please stop doing that, and start acting like an adult. Assume the neutral position, free of accusations, free of derogatory adjectives and demeaning depictions of those with whom you disagree.
We must encourage any sharing of videos and images. Data or witness testimony, not because they are all accurate, correct, honest or valid. We need to do so, simply because if we all act like the deniers in here, we will never see the ones that are real.
So unless you get paid to do so, stop this senseless character assasination style communication. You serve only non disclosure.
I’m still not sold on the flares fiasco. Why should I believe the likes of grifters like west and Greenwald, both debunkers who clearly have a set agenda, over corbell and Knapp? Hundreds of ex military have proclaimed that the footage looks nothing like flairs and that an actual object was seen. It’s more likely this was a secret test drone then a uap that the military is covering up and using west and Greenwald. The footage released by Greenwald also isn’t from that same night.