Эту конференцию ведет Джейми Моссан, у него есть много материалов, которые я никогда раньше не видел, из мексиканских источников. Они, кажется, более открыты в разговоре о UAP. Большинство видео сняты в 2022 году, поэтому качество камеры по большей части довольно хорошее. . Я буду следить за конференцией 2023 года, если он вложил столько труда в эти конференции. у него, кажется, есть способы собрать много информации. Это больше часа с кучей видео, которые он тратит время, чтобы стабилизировать, увеличить масштаб и указать дату и место. Придет день, когда у нас будут неопровержимые доказательства! https://youtu.be/gytvtIOhDOE
This is an hour and a half of strung-together clips of old footage.
Jaime Maussan, OG hoax promoter and grifter.
I’m pretty sure all the laser shows has an easy explanations, but then again, a few of the other things in here are indeed interesting.
I feel like good footage of a real UFO wouldn’t need to be packaged up and presented by a UFO «personality».
The amount of people claiming spotlights shining on to clouds are UFOs is astonishing; this(and things like flares) is why most people think the subject is a joke. If the UFO/UAP topic is ever to be taken seriously, then filtering out the noise of idiots claiming everything is a UFO to make some money is a good start.
Def some good clips mixed in with some obvious garbage (is anyone confused about those lights projected onto clouds??).
Jaime Maussan might have unknowingly promoted UFO’s that were not UFO’s, but I don’t think he was trying to pull some shit! I saw a very old MUFON show where they went to talk and examine his “ Photographer’s photos and videos. A lot of them were not UFO’s, but balloons, garbage bags, no UFO’s. I think Maussan believes his photographer knew what he was doing at the time, and the evidence appeared genuine to both of them. Uneducated on UFO’s?
You lost me at Jaime Maussan.
You lost me at Jaime Maussan.
Never seen a lot a these clips before so it was enjoyable to watch. Some of them are definitely man made lights, but there are others that really got me stumped.
Interesting that this “best of” compilation contains either entirely prosaic or faked sightings. I wonder why that is?
I love to watch and compare these videos to what I have seen. Thank you sharing.