Эрик Дэвис — источник истории WaPo…

By admin Июн2,2023
Эрик Дэвис - источник истории WaPo...,

Эрик Дэвис - источник истории WaPo...,

Эрик Дэвис — источник истории WaPo…

By admin

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41 комментарий для “Эрик Дэвис — источник истории WaPo…”
  1. So Eric Davis himself was apparently the source of the rumours.

    But somehow, even though Davis and Danny Sheehan are talking about it, no one else is allowed to speak of this secret? My post from yesterday was removed.

    Anyone who thinks chatter this will hinder anything is delusional.

    To clarify: Davis was the source of the rumour about the whistleblower and the Post story coming out. He’s not the source for the story.


    If the mods hadn’t deleted my post from yesterday this whole story would make a lot more sense.

    By writing the names of two federal employees that are both high ranking military officers I somehow doxxed them?

    Their names were mentioned by Danny Sheehan on a very popular podcast.

  2. I am really surprised to find out that Nolan has been working with Davis since 2009. I thought Nolan recently came into the scene. I think I’m going to do some looking into Nolan’s timeline with his involvement in ufo stuff

  3. “Whistleblower” and “Soon to be published expose in The Washington Post”

    Ignoring jokes about “soon” — this is a serious claim.

    A “whistleblower” about alien stuff in the Washington Post. This is a real paper with real journalists. They will be expected to backup what they report with physical evidence. Not heresy or stories, they’ll need to back this up. If they publish without it, both those guys credibility are completely gone — but I’m going to hold out a kind of hope here. While I personally don’t believe this claim, if it does come out in a big print media, verified press piece. I expect we’ll all be in for a big shock. Call me pre-delirious lol But I am suspicious that the biggest reveal in history hasn’t been leaked or a TV press conference isn’t also scheduled.

  4. Nolan worked with Davis since 2009? What?!

    Man I really hope these people aren’t running a psyop on us. I’m just clinging to my own sightings at this point. I know what I saw, but I’m finding it hard to trust anyone anymore.

    If the next 2 years aren’t explosive, this subreddit will have to study this phenomenon ourselves. Funding our own appointed teams to conduct field work at supposed hotspots (something which the UFO community should have been doing for years frankly).

  5. In case you’re wondering what they might have been working on…

    [Defense Intelligence Reference Document(DIRD) on Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions. Prepared by: Acquisition Support Division (DWO-3) Defense Warning Office Directorate for Analysis DIA Authors: Richard K. Obousy Eric W. Davis, Ph.D. Senior Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/UfoTruth/comments/13sb4do/defense_intelligence_reference_documentdird_on/)

    >This product is one in a series of advanced technology reports produced in **FY 2009** under the Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Warning Office’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA) Program Comments or questions pertaining to this document should be addressed to James T. Laataki, D.Eng. AAWSA Program Manager, Defense Intelligence Agency, ATTN: CLAR/DWO-3, niog 6000, Washington, DC 20540-5100

    Though Nolan isn’t listed in this particular reference, this is one in a series of these DIRDs which explore the developement of advanced/exotic propulsion systems and material sciences. This one in particular is authored by Davis himself.

    EDIT: Here is another DIRD on [Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/&ved=2ahUKEwiju9GI55X_AhW0mWoFHXBJDKEQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1ZVTsV_emBD9AgL8SWDpMV)

    Here is the Preface and Summary:


    >Several years ago three previous fit and active individuals experienced an anomalous [«irregular, incongruous and inconsistent with their domain»] aerospace-related event. Within 72 hours they suffered medical signs and symptoms [acute and subacute effects].

    >. These included almost immediate erythema (heat and redness) over exposed [to the presumed source of an electromagnetic radiation] skin, and varying degrees of the following as a function of their body-surface exposure times: fever, pain, headaches, numbness and parasthesiae, malaise, diarrhea, loss of hair and alopecia, skin eruptions/boils, cardiac palpitations, beginnings of what were to become chronic headaches and symptoms of insomnia and other sleep and dream disturbances, moderate to occasional severe anxiety and insomnia. Two of the persons also experienced photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light), dry and scratchy- stinging eyes, and extreme inflamed blood-shot sclerae (whites of the eyes) with soft tissue swelling of the eyelids. One of the three experienced moderate blood dyscrasia and signs of radiation illness, and over several years developed signs of malignant transformations.

    >Extensive, but controversial investigations revealed the three had been subjected to an accidental exposure in the near-field [meters] to a broad-band ultrahigh radiofrequency mixed radiation of RF (radio frequency), NIEMR (non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation) & microwave energies [including non-specific and un-measured induced ionizing effects, probably mixed UVA, UVB and UVC (Ultra Violet A, B, C)] centered at about 785 MHz.

    >. These three persons were antennae engineers subjected to an anomalous «accident» [1]

    >An extensive review of the medical literature and a compilation of a database has revealed an additional relevant but less dramatic 42 cases from the peer- reviewed medical literature, and an additional un-published similar 300 cases, primarily when fields were measured or emitters were known of mixed exposures of from 1-10 GHz at power densities of above 100 mW/cm².


    >This paper relates, summarizes, and analyzes evidence of unintended Injury to human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems. Additionally, an argument is made that the subsequent work can inform (e.g., reverse engineer), through clinical diagnoses, certain physical characteristics of possible future advanced aerospace systems from unknown provenance that may be a threat to United States interests.

    The names of the authors of this DIRD have been redacted. I don’t want to venture so far as to speculate, but this does seem to be in line with Nolans field of expertise.

    EDIT 2: wording

  6. This is a screenshot or a photo? Do you have a link to the original source of this? I’m having difficulty. Tried putting variations into Google and nothing. If you could please direct me to the source it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  7. Genuine question — why would he announce that a whistleblower’s story would be published before it actually is? If there truly are powerful forces working to keep all of this under wraps, why give them the opportunity to coerce The Washington Post before it’s released? The only reason I can think of is that he could use it as proof of how connected he is behind the scenes, but hopefully he’d recognize the risk that carries isn’t worth his pride and reputation

  8. I was always wondering, SO, this lets say well informed squad we know about so far: Eric Davis, John Alexander, Hal Putoff(rest of these names I currently forgot), they seemed to touch some of that classified stuff BUT were they that close to these back engineering programs? I don’t think so, seems they got close enough to know they are real but at this point they are speculating just like we do what do you think?

  9. Im so fucking confused. One day, you read promising shit in an article thats nearly 20 years old which causes me to doubt everything. The next day the to me most credible guy says stuff like that !

    I dont know what to think anymore…

  10. If it’s an SSO then it is a big deal because they know everyone coming in and out of secure facilities/work areas and SCIFs. These are the people that maintain the physical and personnel security for classified operations, and ensure everyone going in and out of there has the proper clearance.

  11. Seems like solid evidence is always on the verge of being released but then never does, makes me wonder «who is profiting monetarily from this statement». I think people here find it believable that little grey men live amongst us but unbelievable that grifters are taking advantage of us.

  12. Down the rabbit hole, as the saying goes, “all roads lead to Rome.” After all the dirt settles, it will all come down to your own personal beliefs. Some of us will continue to believe in the NHI hypothesis, and others will move on with our lives. My advice to you is not to take this subject so seriously and keep your friends and family close.
    The people behind this, do not give a damn about you.

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