Я наткнулся на эту фотографию в коллекции других фотографий и был действительно потрясен тем, насколько вся установка (не говоря уже о самой поделке) напоминает печально известную фотографию Кальвина. Вот описание на сайте, на котором размещено фото: 1988 год — Пуэрто-Рико. Как вы можете видеть, это показывает реактивный истребитель, преследующий дискоидный / или клиновидный объект с выпуклостью сверху и снизу. Читатель прислал эту информацию об этой картине. Фотография сделана Амори Риверой. Он также взял несколько других после того, как побежал к своей машине за камерой после похищения в Laguna Calthena. Мысли?
Amaury Rivera faked these photographs. Claimed to have taken them in a field. But later on another investigator got Rivera to show him another photo he’d held back. It showed a close up photo of a UFO, the same tree in these set of photographs, and Rivera standing in the photo in front of his house looking up at the UFO, proving he’d taken all photos from his home.
I’m pretty sure that this was identified as a hoax!
This is what I don’t understand story’s are continuously forgotten about and brought back up a couple of months later, I understand that there is limited material out there but it’s like a groundhog Day over & over again!
Anytime I see trees in the foreground like this I automatically assume fake. There’s just too many ways to fake photos with stuff like this in the foreground.
More information and the rest of the photos: https://ojo-critico.blogspot.com/2006/12/el-caso-amaury-rivera.html
Other have already said they are fake but you can clearly tell no?
Why is the jet blacked out from the sun but the UFO isnt
You’re right, looks just as faked as the Calvine
Do you know if this photo was professionally analyzed? If genuine, this would be incredible.
We just need to stretch the image to reveal a lighthouse….
That’s because it’s fucking fake
Rivera hoax.
Well known and long debunked.
why is this in black and white in 1988 all of my pics where in color ?
This looks like the fakest photograph I’ve ever seen. The lighting is completely inconsistent, the scale is totally wrong, etc. etc.
Undoubtedly not authentic.