Команда впервые определила определенную группу нейронов в глубокой области мозга, называемой преоптической областью гипоталамуса, которая, как было установлено, участвует в регулировании температуры тела и метаболизма во время гибернации. Они показали, что у мышей эти нейроны можно искусственно активировать с помощью ультразвука, доставляемого неинвазивно через шлем. При стимуляции у мышей наблюдалось падение температуры тела примерно на 3°С в течение примерно одного часа. Метаболизм мышей также сместился от использования как углеводов, так и жиров в качестве энергии к использованию только жира, что является ключевой особенностью оцепенения, и их частота сердечных сокращений снизилась примерно на 47%, все это при комнатной температуре. Ученые также разработали автоматическую систему обратной связи с обратной связью, которая подавала ультразвуковой импульс, чтобы держать мышей в индуцированном оцепенении, если они показывали признаки разогрева. Это позволило держать мышей при температуре 33°C в состоянии, похожем на спячку, в течение 24 часов. Когда ультразвуковая система была выключена, они снова проснулись.
Can I use this to sleep for exactly 8 hours a night
Have to wonder something.
As a kid I suffered from sleep paralysis but not the classic old hag version.
The room usually would be bright even if pitch black out, and I’d hear a low humming that would make me go numb but aware. For the first hundred or so times, I’d pass out quickly, but eventually I was able to fight it more and more and then break out of it. Then it abruptly stopped happening.
Yes I’d occasionally wake up with weird marks (no implants as far as I know). No memories of greys or the like that have ever come up (in my 40s now) although I tell myself that id probably rather not remember. Did have a few odd vivid dreams of weird medical stuff that I don’t fully recall but have a gist of but that’s not necessarily related, I mean who hasn’t.
Anyway the sound described brought these memories back…
Edit: interestingly enough, as a kid I had laughing gas for a few dental surgeries and I remember the feeling of the gas hitting also causing the same sound in my head. Wonder if the effect of that kind of think causes an auditory response in our heads?
Wait, could this be an amazing weight loss cure?
Like, take a week off, go into hibernation, body eats your fat away?
Abductees routinely describe being put into a trance like state. I wonder, could this be how it’s done?
I don’t know….we’ve known for millennia that there are adepts who can go so deep into meditation that their body temperature is lowered, metabolism is slowed, heart rate decreased by a staggering 50%
Seems like people could achieve this state without the dangerous application of ultrasonic waves controlled by another.
I always felt like that we never invested enough money to research and examine the natural potentials of our brain/nervous system
I hate long flights, so put me into this state and throw me in with the luggage.
I mean, could this be something that would account for the time loss people experience?
They can test it on me if they like. Could do with a break
This actually is quite amazing if true.
I wonder if drugs or other chemicals affect the ability to use this effectively.. I literally watched someone a few moments ago speak about remote manipulation of consciousness in humans
Yes, this has no potential for misuse at all.
Slash sarcasm.
So what does this have to to with UFOs?
I wonder if this could be attributed to the loud clank pitch noise people hear right before losing consciousness. I know In communion he talked about the alien trying to put a helmet on him similar to what we want to do.
That’s great but for it to be useful for intersteller travel they need to be able to put humans into hibernation for *millenia.* Our fastest craft peaked at 690,000km/h, that’s 17 circumnavigations of the Earth every single hour. Damn fast. But even if we pushed that to one million km/h it would take 4600+ years to travel to the nearest star system. A pretty long hibernation! If you were only just waking up from said hibernation today it would mean that you were put to sleep somewhere beyond 2500BC, a time when Stonehenge didn’t yet exist and they were still building pyramids in Egypt. Of course it would very useful for intrasolar travel…..but if we want to use it to go beyond the solar system we would still need to combine it with breakthroughs in propulsion technologies, pushing perhaps towards one percent of the speed of light, which would cut that 4600 years down to 4 and a bit centuries….though that doesn’t consider your need to slow down.
Feeling more and more that humanity is breaking out of prison (Earth)