Beyond Skinwalker Ranch — новая серия расследований, воспроизводящая эксперименты в других горячих точках UAP по всему миру.
Beyond Skinwalker Ranch — New Investigation Series reproducing experiments in other UAP hotspots across the world.
byu/DragonfruitOdd1989 inUFOs
They should make show centered on Dragon. The Curse of the Lost Alien gold. Team up Dragon, ancient aliens guy and Josh Gates and let them wander the Nevada desert for a hidden cache of spacecash. Guaranteed 10 season show for History Channel.
Skinwalker Ranch, Finding Bigfoot, UFO Hunters, they’re all the same.
They’re designed to keep you on the edge of your seat without actually giving you anything tangible. It’s really a genius formula for attracting and tricking people who don’t know any better. It’s a pretty devious operation if you think about it.
That insufferable Finding Bigfoot line is still drilled into my head from the intro: «THERE’S SOMETHING ON THE HILL!»
Bustamante is a big time skeptic of all of this
i guess there’s an audience for this entertainment product
it sure aint me
Bustanute next CIA grifter?!? Wow they really got UFO influencers these days.
I smell another «Finding Bigfoot». 98 Episodes and still looking. More of the same.
These are the 3 confirmed places so far:
1. Bradshaw Ranch (Arizona)
2. Bridgewater Triangle (Massachusetts)
3. Rocky Mountain Ranch (Colorado)
Did they ever find anything? That show seemed very fake.
Is Dragon in this — his expertise is badly needed for this one
I have still yet to see anything remotely interesting on the first show
Haha you know Bustamante was just like, «uh, I’m ex-CIA and have no relevance to the UAP phenomenon… hell *yeah* I will accept your free money, History Channel!»
That show was so hokey, their dumb mystical, suspicious music didn’t help!
I couldn’t watch the acting was cringe
Just watch steven greenstreets solo investigation amd camping overnight, nothing happened and nothing intriguing was found
So after finding nothing at Skinwalker they are now going to waste more time ghost hunting at other places.
lol, lmao even also imagine trusting mormons
Imagine being dumb enough to actually watch this. Imagine still watching television.
Oh god here we go they are trying to turn it into another oak island , I would like to know how they lured Andrew Bustamante into it, big L for him
When will people realize that these shows are for entertainment and not serious investigation?
I think it’s time for us to boycott these shitty shows.
Oh fantastic more nothing around the world now
Do people on this sub ever get outside of their mom’s basement?
These things are basically ghost hunter shows.
No Dragon, No Watch hahahahaha
Steven green street got to me, I’m not convinced anymore.
I’m going to watch every episode of this show and not feel any shame about it.
The fact that they have a literal CIA agent in this show should tell you everything. That guy is clearly still a spook who’s now doing PR work for the worst part of our government.
No one should give this, or the original show, any credit at all.
How hard is it to hire actual scientists? People with integrity. I’d wager that it’s not that hard honestly.
Not one paper published by the skinwalker people after 4 years. Keep in mind that the Ukrainian researches pointing their instruments at the sky for a few months and captured multiple possibly unusual things. Then they did it again. These people are in it for the money, and to spin some sort of narrative. The damage that this is doing to the already dangerously fragile reputation of this topic is so fucked. When will someone actually press these people with some hard questions? Unbelievable. This is not science, it’s a cash grab and a complete fucking joke.
Submission Statement:
This is more of what I’m interested in and I’m glad that they are going this route of trying to reproduce the same experiments in other supposed hotspots. If they work and provide similar results then it gives us a great foundation to continue with the Scientific Method.
Dad grew up on the Reservation and told stories of them trying to hunt Skinwalkers at night. Me being curious would over hear the nightmare fuel. Tried not to believe in it until my dad took my brother ,cousin and me to the rez at night to give flowers to the family graveyard I seen a monkey shaped shadow on the flat boulder tops. Outline was tall and hunched over looking toward us while we had the windows down and I tried with a .32 to shoot it but bullet bent in the chamber. We drove off and the presence of it gave me a heavy deep deafening feeling like I was under water, I still weirdly have the bullet just for a scary flashback. Skinwalker or not whatever it was that shit was scary but during the moment it was more like my body felt surrender and felt like if I tried screaming words no one would hear me. Lasted like 30 seconds but felt like 15mins.
What kind of validity is that dilapidated brown guy gonna add??!!
(He calls himself that)
I didn’t even know there were other hotspots around the world. Is there a list somewhere?
More of this
As someone who’s never watched this show, is this just another TV drama show or is there actually anything worth noting that comes from this? Always been curious about it
Bustamante said in a podcast recently, that when they were starting to film this, in that time period, and he started to actively think about the topic for the sake of the production, he actually saw unexplainable things in the sky even for his perception. I think he said it was orbs manouvering wildely.
Could be a marketing stunt tho. I like the guy, especially because his rationalistic take on any topic.
People make fun of the show but truth is Ute and Navajo Indian tribes avoided this place like the plague and didn’t even want to talk about what was happening there, way before (hundreds of years) the show got any notoriety.
The natives claim to see strange lights, people disappearing and felling sick at the place, isn’t that interesting to you?
Other scientist way before this show aired reported the presence of high levels of radiation or gamma rays burst, unexplainable in a place with no rare earth metals or minerals like uranium deposits and far way from any civilization.
The show is a TV show and it is made for entertainment purposes but there is a lot of unexplained phenomena happening there way before the show aired including UAP sightings.
They claim to have some UAP sightings on camera so this is not what you guys want? UAP sightings caught on camera ?
Of course the sightings like always last a couple of seconds then you have to craft an hour show around the 10 seconds sighting but at least is there, or not?
Any comments about the sightings caught on camera or video? And yes the “Dragon” name is preposterous.