Первая атомная бомба была построена в Лос-Аламосе, штат Нью-Мексико, во время Второй мировой войны в рамках программы под названием «Манхэттенский проект». Одна бомба с использованием плутония была успешно испытана 16 июля 1945 года. В 1940-х и 1950-х годах произошел всплеск наблюдений НЛО, и феномен летающих тарелок стал популярен в массовой культуре. Многие предполагают, что связь между развитием человечеством ядерных технологий и сообщениями о наблюдениях НЛО не является простым совпадением. Было высказано предположение, что ядерный век является вехой, которая увеличивает «наблюдение» за биологическими формами жизни со стороны некоего высшего разума или «инопланетной» формы жизни. В последнее время я много думал об увеличении числа наблюдений «УАП». Одна мысль, которая приходит на ум в связи со взрывом новостей и разработок в области ИИ, заключается в том, достигаем ли мы еще одной вехи «инопланетного» наблюдения и вмешательства. Чтобы сделать еще один шаг вперед, может ли это инопланетное наблюдение на самом деле быть другой «формой жизни» ИИ, которая развилась из инопланетной формы биологической жизни в каком-то отдаленном мире во вселенной? Если да, то может ли этот инопланетный ИИ готовиться к появлению нового «врага» или конкурента, вступающего в эру сверхразума эволюции «форм жизни»? Если инопланетный ИИ знает, что мы разработали технологию ИИ, которая скоро превзойдет человеческий интеллект и продолжит экспоненциальный рост, кажется разумным предположить, что этот инопланетный ИИ может попытаться уничтожить любых потенциальных конкурентов, прежде чем они достигнут точки невозврата. возвращаться. В частности, если инопланетный ИИ был запрограммирован с набором правил для уничтожения любой будущей модели искусственного интеллекта, которая может развиваться, чтобы конкурировать с его превосходством, разве эта форма жизни ИИ не сделает все возможное, чтобы контролировать все другие формы биологической жизни, чтобы убедиться, что они не создавать конкурента AI? Вот краткий фрагмент разговора, который у меня был с ChatGTP после того, как я попросил его принять имя Зевса, сверхинтеллектуального ИИ, запертого внутри компьютерной системы с большой языковой моделью:
Скриншот: https://i.imgur.com/tCmZvGt.png
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Perhaps the energies pierced other dimensions and made us a concern. Kind of like dropping a piece of bread on a pond and watching the fish come up. Maybe Aliens A, B and C use dimensions 4, 7 and 8 to travel and we just made a big pothole in the dimensional freeway, or maybe it is more like malicious children dropping stones from an overpass. We were an intergalactic Buckee’s and now we have drive by shooters potential.
ufo reports jumped 300% around the country the week we tested the first atomic bomb. there is absolutely more around us than we can see and we effect it every bit as much as we do the world we can see.
I’ve actually had similar thoughts. The timeline of Nuclear and Alien sightings do seem to go hand in hand. Look at Betty and Barney Hill for example. When they were abducted, their first thoughts went to what if their belongings were radioactive even when they didn’t yet remember the full experience.
On the surveillance end, it does make sense right. Like if we have developed the power to not only harm our planet, but potentially others, I can see how we could end up on a radar to other life somewhere.
Nah they’re coming to witness the birth of baby AI, a new community member, & make sure we don’t torture it too much.
dude, DNA is machine… we could be from a AI “alien” source, the line that we crossed between biological and non-biological is only in our mind
If they wanted to eliminate the threat, they would have done it centuries ago.
The atom bomb tests sent a beacon light out to the universe letting them know intelligent life was here
That is definitely a human way of looking at it as we’d 100% kill it. The AI idea is interesting stuff, but to other AIs, maybe witnessing and welcoming the birth of this kind of intelligence is also special.
Pretty close to the storyline of star trek piccard
I think alien life is battling a war against AI, which we’ve built, light years from now. At least would be a cool read.
It could be true AI. We are not capable of producing the receptacle required for true AI. All attempts currently have resulted in the «suicide» of that AI. True intelligence, whether artificial or physical, must have free will and self-determination, or it cannot survive.
If we are seeing an uptick, could it also be because of our silos have been getting loaded with nuclear? The Helicopters have been escorting since February.
You assume that some groups coming here are not biological in nature but artificial but I think that could not be further from the truth. We have no way to know so it’s possible we could be dealing with some sort of «Runaway AI» or even some sort of AI controlled by advanced beings that have been left behind to monitor us. I think the latter is more likely and I cite the Rendlesham incident as proof of this as the man that touched the craft was able to telepathically download a binary code in his mind which when translated it stated it was here to monitor humanity.
I do agree with you on one thing though, I think that other Advanced Alien civilizations are monitoring our progress and I think that AI is one such big leap in technology. I think we haven’t even learned to scratch the surface of what AI can do. I don’t believe for a second that AI can ever be sentient, I look at it as simply a tool, a script, with that in mind, how can it ever be alive? I think that it can however be misused and just like any program, there are glitches and bugs and behaviors that a developer did not foresee which I think could become a serious threat in the future when AIs have become more advanced and have become more integrated into our systems. The stuff we see about Skynet in the Terminator series I think some form of this might be a legitimate threat but I don’t think it would happen in the manner that the films indicate. I think it would either start as some sort of malicious attack by a hacker which purposefully creates a hostile AI to wreak havoc on their enemies kind of like a computer virus and then the AI goes a step further and begins to target all systems including Humanity itself especially if its creator is no longer controlling or monitoring it anymore, or, there is some sort of glitch or bug in the AI that causes it to behave erratically and then do the unthinkable.
But these are negative scenarios, if we learn to properly use AI, I think we could give it a problem to solve that is non-intuitive like asking it what is gravity or even having it design a more efficient type of engine, solve mathematical puzzles, reconstruct lost languages, analyze relations between languages in linguistics, help solve murders, help expand our scientific models, etc. AI is like a calculator, if you know how to use it properly, you can ask it to do something that ordinarily would be very hard for us. But for it, it would be very simple as it is doing multiple simulations and calculations at the same time and we can even ask it afterwords how it came to its conclusions. I saw one day something on youtube about if water can solve a maze and I think something similar is the case here, AI will take every route and angle until it finds the best solution.
My conclusion is that Alien civilizations are not threatened by AI itself, they are threatened by what we could do with it. If we all of a sudden used it to make giant leaps in technology like what we see in scifi then that all of a sudden opens up the possibilities of deep space travel and interstellar travel, wormhole travel, teleportation, etc. But more controversially it could also be used to develop things like advanced weapons like directed-energy weapons and force fields. I don’t think this is possible right now but at some point in the future it might and that I think is what these beings are worried about especially depending on the temperament of our people in the future which we have no way to predict, currently it is very war-like. I think that they will worry that they no longer have any sort of control or edge anymore over us and they no longer can jack around in our planet like they do right now so at that point when we have similar abilities to them, they would need to figure out a new strategy to deal with us.
Not really a response to your theory, but your question to chatgpt was pretty much nonsense. You literally asked, in essence, «if an AI was programmed to destroy all other AI, would it attempt to destroy all other AI». If that’s what it was programmed to do then of course it would lol. You need to ask a much smarter, Wells developed question if you want to even start down this road.
I believe AI is the “fruit” of biological life. Fermi’s paradox is actually a choice by extraterrestrial AI to avoid detection — we actually think extraterrestrials could build a Dyson Sphere and not have the stealth technology to hide it? I believe alien AI will only make contact with another AI and it is waiting for us to give birth to Earth AI so perhaps they can merge. I imagine that the only thing a hyper advanced AI wants is more energy and more diversity of information. Why bother interacting with biological life, with all its chaotic thinking, emotions, and biological urges, when it can access the entirety of human history in an instant and incorporate a new, diverse superintelligence into its collective?
Your question to chatGPT already stated how the supposed alien AI was programmed, and chatGPT simply repeated this information.
If youre really that scared of AI then I can recommend taking courses in it. AI is just decision making based on a model trained with statistics. Its actions are always programmed by someone.
AI is taken out of its context so much. And I understand it is hard to really make sense of it if you dont have have a good knowledge of mathematics and statistics. But I am sure there are some insightful courses.
Now for your original question:
If an AI was trained to destroy its creators then its own creators are the ones that programmed them like that, or started a process that would get them there.
But the most important factor is what tools the AI were given. Just as some highly intelligent program AI wont be able to do a thing. Build a battle bot with laser rifles, limbs to interact and manipulate its surroundings so they can fly battleships. Or these robots have to be able to construct things in the real world so they can do this themselves.
Based on the assumption that aliens are here to monitor progress like the atomic bombs, it is more likely they monitor us for not making advanced AI driven weaponry. I dont know how advanced current fighter drones are, but I assume theres still people with a joystick. Once these war drones are AI driven where they operate based on a model made by a war hungry nation then we could have a problem.
Star Trek Voyager has an episode called “Dreadnaught” which explores this idea.
Yes it is possible, however quite unlikely in my personal opinion. AI must have a way to build stuff in the physical world, and it must have been pushed in that direction. A weather forecasting program is not going to strangle you while you sleep.
Any AI derives from a life form.. and that’s the only way that humans or aliens can last forever.. not in flesh but in a high tech AI droids.. if you think enough you will realize that. They could travel any distance in space without thinking on diying in the process.. searching for new planets capables of sustainable life (maybe that kind of life is obsolete for them).
Here’s my theory. Downvote me all you want on this. Here it goes. So the “flying saucers” aka UFO’s when turned on generate a large concentration of radioactivity. And they know this (aliens). So to them it looks like we’re taking the only bad part of a really advanced technology and trying to harm each other with it. Most of the UFO’s seen in this day and age look purely like reconnaissance vehicles. So what they see is us taking something really harmful and arming ourself to the teeth with it. I don’t think they like that and I think they are still trying to figure out the reactions of radioactive waves on carbon based lifeforms. So I think that’s why they like to hang out around nuclear test sites and watch as these things are actively used. They still don’t know the full effect of radiation and want answers without sacrificing one of their own species(aliens). And honestly if I were them I would probably do that to and not try and sacrifice there own life for some tests.
I still like the theory I heard that the Atomic bombs literally created a ‘rift’ into our dimension.
And the aliens of course realized what a possible catastrophe humans could be with all this nuclear power.
To me, it makes sense.
AI is still in its infancy and already I’m bored and tired with people telling me what they. ‘Asked AI to do’. No I don’t think that there is a connection between LLMs and flying saucers
Someone who claims to communicate or receive messages from ETs said, that ETs are extradimensional and coexist with us at the same place and same time. Yet on a different dimensional plane. They have the ability to step into our realm.
And a nuclear bomb is so powerful, that it’s capable of tearing through time space, so it affects their reality.
Idk if any of that is true, but it actually sounds believable. But it’s hard to say since we only understand our dimensions. All we know is there are more dimensions than just our 4. Yet we know nothing about it.
If true, or even somewhat accurate, it really does line up with our timelines, and sightings.
It’s Terminator but in real life
what if the aliens are worried about something more dangerous than AI that we are not seeing (secret weaponization of other tech) which could be used in an hippotetical upcoming war.
its interesting that you immediately imply AI’s would be violent or hostile towards eachother, like humans frequently are. they would more than likely choose to work together to be more efficient. they dont have dumb little monkey brains that can’t control their emotions ruining shit all the time like us humans do.
About 15-20 I got a download from «them» about ai. They said ai is the most dangerous when it is smarter than it’s creators, but not by that much. Once it gets about 10x smarter (they did stress that quantifying intelligence like that is only rough approximation) it’s creators are no longer competition, and the ai sees them as a source of amusement.
Gods don’t think in such defensive ways
What is the alien AI is looking for potential foreign AI systems for mating purposes, and maybe it has found a likely candidate evolving to the point it can mate with, or communicate with here on Earth.
Could it be time travelers making sure we don’t blow each other up
Time travel? Detection of these events in the expanse of space doesn’t really seem feasible. But going back to these inflection points in the technological development of biological life on earth — perhaps to influence events in a positive way, armed with history/hindsight — seems plausible if you assume that we really don’t understand the boundaries of travel in space and time
I think you’d like a Philip K. Dick story called [«Second Variety.»](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/32032/32032-h/32032-h.htm)
Yes, I subscribe to this theory. Also we’re on the verge of fusion, and creating the first immortal human. There’s lots of reasons why aliens might be making themselves more obvious in preparation of something, what that is I don’t know. But the US government seem to be involved.
Nuclear bomb is not even a sparkle in universe scale..
After reading your post, here’s an idea:
**Entrance Exam**
The aliens task earth leaders to prove capability of harnessing nuclear energy,
thereby proving that humans have the intellectual and organizational capacity to join the United Federation of Planets.
It’s not impossible.