Объект в форме шара Раунд-Рок, Техас, 04.03.23

By admin Май27,2023
Объект в форме шара Раунд-Рок, Техас, 04.03.23,

Объект в форме шара Раунд-Рок, Техас, 04.03.23

Orb shaped object Round Rock Texas 03/04/23
byu/Logrus- inaliens

By admin

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26 комментарий для “Объект в форме шара Раунд-Рок, Техас, 04.03.23”
  1. Did you mean to video the object or was it noticed after the fact? Because if you were intending to film it, why didn’t you try getting a better shot or zooming or something? Sorry, I know this sub is known for people being assholes and I’m not trying to rip on you, it’s still a very cool sighting. I just don’t understand the finished product if you were able to get more footage. It looks like you were on foot, yeah? Like, how often do you really get an opportunity to film a UFO/UAP? Did you feel a sense of dread or like it didn’t want to be filmed or anything?

  2. This is a second video that I was using to add to a sighting [report](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/131lvpg/sphere_spotted_in_round_rock_texas/?) over on r/ufos. My original post was auto rejected by the bot for low karma. I just joined this sub after seeing this for the first time in March. It was put back up without my original comment explaining this. It wasn’t intended to be my only explanation. r/ufos has a different objective than r/aliens. I KNOW its a crap video :). I just wanted share any evidence I might have. My reality is a little rocked so I’m trying examine everything I can. I’d like to offer up whatever little bit I can to help us all sort this out.

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