Краткое изложение случая с НЛО в Варгинье, Бразилия, из телепередачи «Наблюдения» 1996 года.

By admin Май27,2023
Краткое изложение случая с НЛО в Варгинье, Бразилия, из телепередачи «Наблюдения» 1996 года.

Краткое изложение случая с НЛО в Варгинье, Бразилия, из телепередачи «Наблюдения» 1996 года.

Short summary of Varginha Brazil UFO case from 1996 ‘Sightings’ TV Broadcast
byu/SirGorti inaliens

By admin

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14 комментарий для “Краткое изложение случая с НЛО в Варгинье, Бразилия, из телепередачи «Наблюдения» 1996 года.”
  1. Varginha UFO incident took place in Brazilian city of Varginha in January 1996. It’s one of the most famous UFO cases of all time, especially after last year film ‘Moment of Contact’ produced by James Fox. It’s interesting to look at the TV coverage from ‘Sightings’ about this case in 1996. Familiar faces describing the case with new intriguing details. Posted by UFOB on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UFOB_/status/1651633076152279040?cxt=HHwWgIC9tYbi4-stAAAA

  2. He sounds like he said *Flying Sausage* at 7:15.

    Whatever happened to that host from the show Sightings? He had such a great presence.

    Shout out to that investigator and my favorite drink to order at Starbucks, Pacciccini.

  3. I wonder what the Nelk boys know if Logan Paul has intel. Honestly I applaud Logan for using some of his riches trying to find the truth. Hate him or love him I’d do the same if I could.

    That being said Logan got punked an ungodly amount of money for fake Pokémon cards so who knows 😂

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