Коллега показал мне это. Сказал, что движется с востока на запад (против ветра) и, кажется, движется вверх. Моей первой догадкой был воздушный шар (майлар??). Кажется, что он вращается с высокой скоростью и очень стабильно. Это также чертовски круто, так что вам нужно увеличить масштаб. Это крошечная белая точка…
I’m in Portland and I see these all the time! Thought I was crazy 😜
Shiny balloon seems like it would make sense!
Yesterday I was walking to a trail here in Seattle , around 6:00pm I saw an object like this , I’ve tried to record it but every time I was trying to aim the camera it will just disappear (by that I mean I wouldn’t see the reflection anymore ) I’ve tried to record like 3 times and couldn’t.. so unlucky
Saw that the other day in Seattle area too while I was at work. I tried taking pics but wasn’t able to see it on the camera.
I’m in Portland and always wanted to see a UAP now I’m pissed lol
I often go to Stub Stewart State Park hilltop for Astronomy. On a number of occasions, these silent dark shapes have passed low overhead from the West to the East. One night, I stood on a picnic table and saluted. Multiple ‘things’ (unable to make out the shapes) began to hover and circle over me. After about a minute, they vanished instantly. There was a constant and quiet whoosh sound around me, like someone blowing lightly on the ear. I always assumed they were military test flights with some new-fangled stealth engine and no lights.
Seen the exact same thing over Bristol Ct
SS: UFO/UAP over Portland Oregon today 5/10/23 @ 15:00.
Honestly it’s probably a balloon but……moving against the wind and rotating or at least appearing to rotate at a a high rate of speed. Definitely looked odd.
I saw something exactly the same a few weeks ago while walking to pick up my son from school, he also witnessed it. My camera phone video isn’t as good as yours but I saw the Exact same thing. It appeared to be almost twinkling due to the rotation I would assume in the sunlight. The object we saw seemed stationary, but very high up, as the clouds would move in front of and behind it in the wind. It only caught my eye due to the glittering effect in the sun, I also thought Mylar balloon but the longer we watched it I really doubt it was a balloon as it didn’t follow the wind. I am closer to Hillsboro, OR near HWY 26 and we were looking West.
Hopefully this works…..added cropped and shortened it a little
Women and Women First?
Be careful. If this is in Portland, it’s a matter of time before they set up a tent on the street and start camping out.
We need higher optical zoom yes
Yes. The rotating square.
Can we stop with this videos. I’m sure in person it looks interesting but this is a small blip of nothing
Oh yeah. At :05, :29, and :53. Those are the drones from the mother ship. Only 1497 more to go.
Tiny balloon looks scary after a bowl.