Был ли Розуэлл советской мистификацией🤔

By admin Май27,2023
Был ли Розуэлл советской мистификацией🤔,

Был ли Розуэлл советской мистификацией🤔,

Теперь, когда я думаю об этом, это сбивает с толку. Это может быть действительным. Потом я вспоминаю всех остальных, так что вот что.

By admin

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5 комментарий для “Был ли Розуэлл советской мистификацией🤔”
  1. Why is Roswell always something it wasn’t? I believe the witnesses that saw it and Major Marcel. He said it wasn’t from here. “Soviet Hoax”? Hell their tanks are junk how the hell could they hoax something like this.

  2. The author discussed in this supposedly has such serious if not irrefutable credibility, then the possibility absolutely must be considered seriously among all the options.

    This could indeed be complete true. If so then it’s essential and urgent that it be studied and understood immediately. Are there other such hoaxes?

    However true it may prove to be, IMHO this will not serve as a viable explanation of all the encounters here on earth. They have different explanations.

    This would be interesting for helping us to understand ourselves as a population. It would not negate the validity of ET encounters here on earth. It would be a major footnote in ET discussions and that’s it.

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    You can either edit your post’s text to >150 chars, or include a comment-based ss instead (which I would post shortly, if it meets submission statement requirements).
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