Выпустите 3 из них для исследовательских целей, сделайте несколько снимков крупным планом, несколько видеороликов о его движении, несколько фотографий на расстоянии. Я думаю, что это может действительно помочь сообществу идентифицировать и не ошибиться в некоторых наблюдениях, и я думаю, что это может быть особенно применимо к тому, кто видел наблюдение, но не совсем уверен в том, что он видел, возможно, выпустить одно в том же общем месте. . Что касается меня, я хотел бы выпустить некоторых сам, но, живя в Бразилии, они не только не очень редки, но и незаконны для выпуска. В любом случае, я надеюсь, что это поможет нам попытаться найти более «»»»научный»»»» подход к этому вопросу. (Можно также применить к воздушным шарам)
Buy some lanterns for me on Amazon, and I’ll record a video a for you the day they are delivered to me lol.
These are dangerous and a serious safety hazard.
**The FAA has raised concerns over the use of floating lanterns as they can be sucked into aircraft engines.**
I’d rather not start a forest fire.
This is a good example, you can see how they become the famous “orbs flying in triangular formation” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9d69AZprwP4
they are not allowed anymore here in germany soo.. nah. too dangerous. not gonna start a fire just for taking a video or picture. i’m sure there are enough vids and pics from them already online somewhere.
Google Lantern Festivals. I’ve been to one. People gather around, make s’mores, listen to a band and release a SHITLOAD of lanterns. The one I went to they probably released 2,000 and I’d wager 80% of them were on the ground within 10 minutes
You could literally just look up Chinese lanterns online cuz there’s already a bunch of videos of it and pictures of it from different ranges.
I dunno, can you?
And while your at it, fart into a plastic bag for a month, and see if you can create swamp gas.
For science.
Anyone even tempted to do this needs to make sure it’s actually legal where they live. If you live anywhere near an airport you shouldn’t launch them and in some places you need permission from the fire service.
These can be deadly dangerous given the current climate.
It may also scare off the aliens, they may see lights in the sky they can’t communicate with and think other aliens have shown up.
I did a few months ago around 10 pm in dc at a grave site with my wife. They look like ufos when they get far away. They stayed on sky for awhile too.
Everybody wants to say fire lanterns, nobody wants to prove it.
«This would be so easy to fake, trust me, bro!»
Right? Has anyone on this sub filmed a balloon, lantern, ISS, trash bag, whatever and save it somewhere for reference? If not, then we should do that and sticky them all to the top. I have a video to contribute that most people here agreed to be the ISS, it could be useful to others when identifying.
Great idea and suggestion
I don’t know much about Brazil, but know most cops in the world are too overwhelmed to investigate actual crimes, much less three little baloons late one night.
Just prepare the lanterns, pack away everything related to lanterns, except just the lanterns themselves, and go deploy from them from out in the street a short distance away with COVID mask on.
I once posted a video of a balloon I’d released to show how it would look on camera and I just got a bunch of comments about how I’d polluted and probably harmed wildlife so probably no point trying to attempt anything like that for this sub
Please don’t do it in the PNW I’d rather not live in a smoke cloud all summer
I would but they’re very banned where I live
You could also just watch some chinese dramas — they have constant scenes and footage of chinese lanterns getting released. Especially wuxia / xianxia / historical genres.
I doubt your experiment would add anything new.
There were a couple of episodes of UFO Hunters where they did this and asked eyewitnesses to compare it to what they saw.
Someone will just come along having seen them under some circumstance that wasn’t covered in your experiment, and then say that what they saw couldn’t be a lantern.
Uhh, why don’t you do it?
Those lanterns are stupid and dangerous. However, just look up videos of lantern festivals, someone surely filmed some from their backyard at some point.
I can make a fun one, I live right in the landing path of a pretty busy municipal airport (like they are probably around 1-2k feet or lower). I’m just off the path to get good plane watching. LOTS of private jets traffic. And a major regional airport and AFB within 10-15 miles.
No way I could get in trouble and the news may get better quality images for us.