Доктор Гарри Нолан заявил сегодня, что осведомитель из программы обратного инжиниринга дал показания Конгрессу на прошлой неделе, и это создало «настоящее осиное гнездо в Вашингтоне». Окончательное утверждение.

By admin Май19,2023
Доктор Гарри Нолан заявил сегодня, что осведомитель из программы обратного инжиниринга дал показания Конгрессу на прошлой неделе, и это создало «настоящее осиное гнездо в Вашингтоне». Окончательное утверждение.,

Доктор Гарри Нолан заявил сегодня, что осведомитель из программы обратного инжиниринга дал показания Конгрессу на прошлой неделе, и это создало «настоящее осиное гнездо в Вашингтоне». Окончательное утверждение.,

Доктор Гарри Нолан заявил сегодня, что осведомитель из программы обратного инжиниринга дал показания Конгрессу на прошлой неделе, и это создало «настоящее осиное гнездо в Вашингтоне». Окончательное утверждение.

By admin

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33 комментарий для “Доктор Гарри Нолан заявил сегодня, что осведомитель из программы обратного инжиниринга дал показания Конгрессу на прошлой неделе, и это создало «настоящее осиное гнездо в Вашингтоне». Окончательное утверждение.”
  1. I admit it’s pretty stunning listening to him talk. It’s especially stunning to then review his Wikipedia page listing his extensive qualifications, credentials, and recognitions. So what we have is someone:

    * About as educated and recognized in the fields of science and research as a person could possibly be;
    * Saying repeatedly in public forums that it is 100% true that extraterrestrials have visited us, are sending drones/probes that fly in our skies and exhibit hyper-advanced propulsion technologies, our government has crashed ones in our possession, and we have been trying to reverse engineer them.

    Like most of you, I need more disclosure to be 100% convinced. But what Gary is saying carries a lot of weight (especially combined with what Congress has been doing and saying). The implications are massive.

  2. This is fairly big news. Gary Nolan isn’t prone to hyperbole and I count him as fairly grounded in his presentation of the topic, which is why I take this seriously. I’m excited to see what comes next.

  3. At about 7 minutes ([https://twitter.com/UAPJames/status/1659299977762308098?t=apPe5rd0XSOC6SQ2nHg9qg&s=19](https://twitter.com/UAPJames/status/1659299977762308098?t=apPe5rd0XSOC6SQ2nHg9qg&s=19)) he mentions that the energy needed to ‘tweak’ general relativity would be more than all the nuclear output of the planet each year.

    But actually the loopholes inside GR allow for drastic energy reduction by modifying certain parameters, such as the speed of light, c.

    There are two people I know of exploring this and how it might be engineered. One is user u/GratefulForGodGift on Reddit, and the other is a physicist called Dr Sarfatti.



    Dr Nolan keeps saying that humans ‘aren’t special’. No, we are special. We have been evolving from complex life with brains for an unfathomable length of time, well over 500 million years with some form of CNS.

    So that is a lot of natural ‘R&D’ that has gone into what we are now.

    We are special, but most probably/certainly there is stuff out there that is more special. A lot of advanced life out there piloting the cosmos might be flying craft or drones engineered by minds roughly on our level. In 5 centuries A.I. on this planet could take us a lot further technologically than we might have imagined, although for how long and how stably that level can be maintained by us, who knows. Some of the life forms might be miles more intelligent than us, and others fairly comparable. We are still evolving and at some stage quite soon we will probably start genetically modifying and enhancing our own life spans and intelligence. In fact we will have to since much of the selective pressure for our health is removed, and genetic deterioration is occurring at an accelerated rate and it is not long before we will be forced to do this. Many of the aliens out there, might have acquired their high intelligence this way.

  4. >**Interviewer**: «If you had to assign a probablity to that statement, that you believe extraterrestrial intelligence has visited this planet, what probablity would you assign?»
    >**Garry**: «One hundred percent.»

    Discuss amongst yourselves!

  5. This is great news, but it still bothers me deeply that we’re letting this type of information in the hands of people that can’t get water to Flint, they can’t regulate anything, they know nothing of technology and, worst of all, they’re in a stranglehold by evangelical donors.

    I don’t want non scientific minds anywhere near this. It’s proven daily that they have no basic knowledge on this topic or anything else, other than fundraising. Fact.

  6. Do you ‘member when Garry said he wouldn’t get involved with the USG’s disclosure unless it meant *full disclosure*, everything. At the time, He said he wasn’t under any NDA or didn’t have any clearances.

    Recently when he was asked a similar question his answer was a non-answer (which was totally an answer).

    I don’t know if I’ve smoked too much or if I’ve pointed out something obvious lol.

  7. Wilson memo real. Wilson memo says: “UFOs real. Alien abductions not real.” “Lockheed Martin has ET ship believed to be in good working condition and is working on reverse engineering tech but the progress is extremely slow.” Paraphrasing.

  8. Congress is getting more and more perked up. The fact that he is out here saying this to a wide group of venture capitalists….

    This might have some downstream effects. Maybe VC funding for TTSA? Startups to collect and analyze alleged UAP fragments?

    Also, from the full session Nolan said:

    >Mostly what you’re seeing here are drones or advanced AI


    The moderator then asks him to get comfortable and start speculating:

    He mentions how UAP appearing may be some sort of intelligence test.

    >Who amongst you can see these anomalous data points for what they are

    And another statement:

    >They may have been influencing our culture. Many of the major religions have been thought of as being part of this process

    Oh damn.

    >Moderator: What happens next?
    >Nolan: Well what we’re seeing happening is the professionalization of this….
    >I am involved in a 501(c)3 organization to write policy papers for government**s** and corporations to get them to start thinking about this. It’s not going to happen tomorrow, **it’s a slow release process.**

  9. Incredible ! Here is the transcript of the interview, that you can download in PDF format here: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/uq6vard0yv1yjgj/G._NOLAN_interview_-_SALT_2023.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/uq6vard0yv1yjgj/G._NOLAN_interview_-_SALT_2023.pdf/file)

    **Interviewer:** I’m curious. Do you believe that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited planet Earth?

    **Garry Nolan:** I think you can go a step further. It hasn’t just visited. It’s been here a long time and it’s still here. And it has basically, you know, people talk about the wow signal looking for extraterrestrial intelligence. The wow signal is that people see it on an almost regular basis. That’s the communication that’s already here.

    **Interviewer:** And that statement seems so incredible that it’s tough to believe people hear that. And maybe a lot of people here hear that and they don’t believe it. And so I’m curious. If you had to assign a probability to that statement that you believe extraterrestrial intelligence has visited, visited this planet, what probability would you assign?

    **Garry Nolan:** 100%. And that’s not just my opinion. I mean, look, the National Defense Appropriation Act passed last year, signed by Biden in December. 30 pages of that is the establishment of an unidentified aerial phenomenon office. The establishment of looking into the harm that’s happened to any of a number of the individuals going back to 1945 and looking at the disinformation and misinformation that has been basically articulated over the decades. 12 US senators have signed on to a document that basically says we want the information. The establishment of an office AARO in the Department of Defense has 25 people working in it right now. and what’s their goal? Collecting the information across all of the all of the US Department of Intelligence or the Department of Defense Intelligence offices and collation of that into a uniform format for the very first time and provision of that then to Congress the creation of a whistleblower program specifically that allows people from the from within. I’m going to say this who’ve been working on the reverse engineering programs, reverse engineering of objects so that they can come in and break their oaths. But specifically just to talk to Congress and give that information in classified settings. And that the most recent one that happened was just last weekend, and it created quite a hornet’s nest in Washington.

    **Interviewer:** And so let’s just create kind of like a logical framework here. So we start at the top. We say now there’s 100% probability that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited Earth. Now we have to go down to why that statement may be true. Why you believe that statement is true. What is the evidence? And I think perhaps we all may have to read between the lines a little bit here. You may not maybe divulge everything, but in your opinion, what do you believe to be the most compelling evidence to support that statement?

    **Garry Nolan:** Well, I think the most compelling evidence is you just need to look at what your government is doing right now about it. I mean, just go and look at the number of politicians. And this is interesting on both sides of the aisle who have come together and signed off on this statement. I mean, I was involved last year with putting together some of the wording of that uh the NDAA, which was passed into law. So, I mean, so what are they basing their opinions on? They’re basing their opinions on the dozens of individuals who in one manner or another have come forward and talked to them in classified settings. So that’s the first thing. Then my personal experiences with the individuals who are who well, the one person who actually was involved with collecting a lot of that original information. And then my experience with people who, frankly, I know have worked or are working on the reverse engineering programs.

    **Interviewer:** Okay. So let’s take one step back, reverse engineering programs.

    **Garry Nolan:** Of downed craft. Now, the first question that people will ask is, well, if they’re so frigging advanced, why are they why are they crashing? Because what’s crashing is not actual living things. I mean, if you I use this example a lot. If you wanted to study a tribe of cannibals in the middle of the Amazon, are you going to go yourself and show up in the middle of the of the tribe and not hopefully become dinner on the other side of it? So if you’re an advanced intelligence, you know, I don’t think we’re all that advanced, frankly. You’re not going to basically put your your life and limb at risk by coming here. So mostly what you’re seeing here are either drones or some sort of advanced AI or whatever it is. I mean, look, we’re we’re already we’re already dealing with an alien intelligence in our own emails. Right? Our own chat. Gpt et cetera. We don’t even know what it’s doing. So imagine if you were a million years ahead of us. How do you have a dialogue with something like that or what is it that that could possibly do?

    **Interviewer:** Yeah, and I’m glad I’m glad that we’ve got some people here to witness these statements. I think they’re very consequential. And so we start with now 100% probability of extraterrestrial intelligence. We go to evidence. We now talk about down craft. We see the the government moving in a certain direction. Presumably the down craft is made of some material. Presumably we could test that material. I know you’ve done a little bit of work firsthand. You have seen some material. Do you want to talk about that a little bit?

    **Garry Nolan:** Right. Well, you know, so what is it that you hope to discover out of a material? So let’s just go back I mean, just briefly. And why would you want to do it in the first place? So basically a grain of silicon, you know, back in the 50s or 60s changed our entire culture and world, right? I mean, so something as small as that, the discovery of what you could accomplish with a little piece of germanium doped with the right elements changed our understanding. Now. So we have. Have multiple simultaneous sensor systems that have seen these objects go from 50ft above the water to up to 14 miles and then back in less than a second. I mean, that’s just a truth. The US government has confirmed that these kinds of measurements are done now. They’re very careful what they say. They say, Well, we have no evidence of it. Well, because, you know, no ET is going to come walking in here and say «Hello!». Right. But if you read between the lines and the flip side of it, it does stuff that we can’t do. We know that the Russians and the Chinese are not doing. And so if you can go from 0 to 5000 miles an hour and take a right turn and not end up squished like a bug on the windscreen on the other side, if they have windscreens, then what is the physics that accomplishes that? So what that tells you is that we need to rethink our physics.

    First of all, to say that, well, you know, we saw birds fly, so it took us 3000 years and we figured out how to fly. But now we see these things doing this. So what is it that that lets us do? So I know some of the physicists on the inside who work at some of these big defense corporations who basically said, Oh, well, here’s how you tweak even general relativity to accomplish that. But then you say, well, how much energy is needed to do it? Well, more than the whole nuclear output of the planet per day per movement. So you start to backtrack and you say, okay, well, who could do that? Well, we can’t. Will we be able to do it in a thousand years? But if we had a piece of any of this, let’s say it’s 1000 revolutions ahead of us or a million revolutions ahead of us, even a tiny piece of knowledge from that could revolutionize what it is that we’re doing. I’m always always looking for the opportunity. I look at the at the upside of this. I’m not worried about them coming and raiding us or taking our women and children. That’s not my concern. My concern is how do we use it?

    **Interviewer:** Yeah. Yeah. And and I’m curious. Do you have confidence that you, us collectively will have material, literal physical material to evaluate? To analyze?

    **Garry Nolan:** Yes. 100%.

    **Interviewer:** 100%, again.

    **Garry Nolan:** It’s there. It’s there. It’s I mean, I can say this. I was working with a group about 7 or 8 years ago, and I literally got within a few weeks of gaining access to one of the one of the objects. And when the people who didn’t want us to gain access to it found out about it, they pulled some bureaucratic administrative tricks and snatched it away.

  10. Huge thanks to Dr u/garryjpnolan_prime for dropping these disclosure bombs and being the face of this for the last year or so, and apparently for about a decade behind the scenes.

  11. I think the most exciting part of this disclosure will be witnessing most people not giving a flying fuck about it.

    I got in an argument with a coworker because they didn’t even believe the uap thing and was totally jaded about the nimitz, fravor, and the nyt article. People just don’t believe anything anymore.

  12. This shines the light really bright on the hypocrisy of the Senate and Congressional hearings that have been taking place here in the United States of America, we just got a peek behind the curtain everyone, don’t take it for granted!

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